34 - Explanation

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"Ah you're awake" was the first thing Chan said when he opened his eyes and yawned, looking over to see Minho sitting in his desk chair.

"I feel like reality is broken" he muttered.

"That's because you just had a really good undisturbed sleep for the first time in probably months" Chan heard a voice next to him and realized that Felix had remained there the entire time.

"How long was I out?" He sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes, freeing Felix's arm that he'd apparently been holding onto.

"About 4 and a half hours straight, it's half eight the now but we ordered some food and it should be coming soon" Minho explained, standing from the chair he was sitting in and walking out the door, followed closely by Chan and Felix.

It was dark outside now, considering Chan had spent his entire afternoon sleeping and finally shaking off a small bit of the fatigue that had been weighing down on him for months.

When they got to the living room there was already pizza boxes stacked up on the coffee table - indicating that the food had, in fact, arrived - and the others were busy setting up the place as if it were one big bed, with blow-up mattresses and duvets thrown about (to which Chan didn't know how they were discovered, considering they were kept in the loft).

"Yay! You're awake, how was your nap" Jeongin asked as he smiled at Chan.

"Surprisingly restful"

"That's good"

"Hey Channie, come sit, we've got a movie prepared" Hyunjin explained before ushering Chan to sit down next to him on one of the sofas, Jisung flinging himself to join them so he could sit on Chan's other side before Hyunjin launched a double duvet over the three of them.

The rest of the guys selected their designated seating area for the next hour and a half before handing out the pizza and playing the movie, and everyone sat back to enjoy it

Chan actually found himself struggling to keep awake about three quarters into the film, which was surprising considering he'd already slept for ages beforehand. He guessed it was everything catching up with him along with the fact that all his friends were at his house, inevitably making Chan feel a lot safer.

His eyes began to droop and he was ready to drift off when his eyes flicked to the corner of his living room.

Chan was wide awake in a heartbeat.

He immediately freaked out, leaping up from the sofa and getting as far away as possible, inadvertently gaining the attention of everyone in the room as he stumbled to the back wall.

Because there, in the corner, stood the Faceless Man, staring - with his lack of eyes - at Chan.

"Nonononononononono" he repeated, not taking his eyes off of him in case he moved whilst he wasn't watching.

"Chan? What-?" Someone paused the movie and they all turned to face the trembling boy, but he wasn't paying attention to anything else, too worried about quite literally getting murdered.

Chan fumbled about, still not taking his eyes off of the man until he dropped his phone in the haste and had to look down to pick it back up.

He found Brian's number and clicked on call, looking back up to keep an eye on the man.

"Hey, kid? Are you okay?" The voice came in after three rings, Changbin had walked around to check if Chan was okay, but once he saw that the boy was on the phone he stepped back a bit.

"He's here...he's...he's here, at my house" Chan started to breathe heavily and he already heard Brian fumbling about with keys.

"Who's there Chan?" He asked, despite not knowing what Chan was talking about, the boy sounded terrified and he needed to get there quick.

Chan heard him say something to someone that he couldn't hear.

"The man. The one who's trying to kill me" his friends' eyes went wide and their eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Okay, don't worry, we'll be there in a couple of seconds. He ended the call and it wasn't long until the door opened - as it was still unlocked - and four people entered the house, understandably confused at the other 7 boys in Chan's home, who were also understandably confused at the abrupt entrance of four men they'd never seen before.

"Where is he?"

"In the corner" Chan whispered, still not taking his eyes off of him.

He looked enraged, almost as if he didn't want people to know that he was there other than Chan, however after a minute, he simply stepped back into the wall and disappeared.

"Nononono, he's gone" Chan started shaking more as tears fell from his eyes and he started to frantically look around the room for him in case he was going to catch him off guard.

"Hey hey hey, calm down" Brian caught the boy in his arms and made him face him.

"He's gone, you told us where he was and he doesn't like that, so he's gone" he explained carefully and Chan looked into his eyes until he managed to calm down.

The boy didn't understand the logic of the Faceless Man, but he was just grateful he wasn't getting slaughtered at this current moment in time.

"Can someone tell us what the fuck is going on and who the hell you guys are?" Seungmin was the first to speak out of the very confused bunch of people.

"Are these your friends?" Chan weakly nodded.

"Do you want to tell them?" Chan, again, weakly nodded. Dowoon took a breath.

"Basically a witch experimenting and dyeing in here meant that Chan became able to see dead people, and now he's like seriously not okay because of it, and there's a ghost that doesn't like people seeing his world and wants to kill the people that can" there was silence amongst the room.

"Dowoon, you're horrible at explaining things" Brian rubbed his temples. Chan sighed, moong his hands to indicate everyone sit down.

"Basically, the girl that used to live here before us apparently died trying to experiment making contact with the dead, but because of that, when I moved in, I kinda...gained? The...ability? So now I see dead people from all sorts of eras. They can't come in full contact with humans, but there's this one guy - I call him the Faceless Man because...well, he doesn't have a face - he's the only one who can come in contact with humans, more specifically, with me. He doesn't like that I can see them and basically wants me dead" Chan explained.

"Excuse me"

"It might take a minute to process, but we were friends with her, and one of our other friends died during another one of her experiments" Wonpil continued, noticing the incredibly confused faces of the boys' friends.

"So the people you told us you were seeing..." Minho began.

"Are actually real people who had previously died" Chan finished off for him.


It took Chan and his neighbours some time to explain the story to its full extent, but they all eventually properly got to know each other and more or less began to understand what Chan was experiencing. This was now a journey for all of them.


Apologies! Apologies! Apologies! It's been a while and I am so sorry, but we're here now I guess. Practice exams are over thank GOD, but I'm still struggling with where to actually go with this book, I deadass have no idea how to end it.

Not being able to finish a chapter
Not being able to finish a story

Oh also, I vaguely heard about the whole Jae thing but tbh I don't even know him or Day6 that well anyway so I'm just gonna leave it as is, but I apologize if you don't like it.

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