I sigh frustratedly. What am I even supposed to say to her? Half the time, I'm lost for words.

When the bell rings, I'm quick on my feet. I maneuver my way through the hall, looking for where Lina usually is, which is around Avrey or Brooks.

But I don't see Brooks. Which was odd. I look up and down the hall, but nothing. So I walk down the opposite hallway, towards Lina's locker. As I turn the corner, I barely spot her walking into the health science classroom.

I walk towards the door, eyes finding her instantly. She's wearing a black shirt and a white long sleeve shirt, her hair pushed off her face with something in her hair. She looks beautiful, but something was wrong.

I can tell.

"Looking for something?"

I look at the teacher. Everyone knew Mr. Steve; he was like the coolest teacher ever, according to everyone who had him. People who wasn't even interested in health science took his class because it was fairly easy to pass. According to all I've heard, he's super chill, lets the students do pretty much anything, and is fun.

I dunno, though. Something about him weirded me out.

"Nah," I shake my head. "Just looking for a girl."

"Isn't everyone at your age?" He grins.

I snort. "Sure, I guess."

I turn and walk away, towards my criminal justice class. Say what you want about Mr. Steve, but Tate was ten times better by a long shot. He was a hard ass, but it was worth it.

And I didn't even really care about the class, I just like Tate. He was funny as hell.

But today, I wasn't bothered by his dirty jokes and crude humor. I actually texted Lina, and she wasn't answering.

It was pissing me off, cause she has her damn read on and I can see her reading the messages, she was just ignoring me.

I grew impatient, my foot tapping on the linoleum rapidly. I push my hand through my hair, bringing my nail to my mouth. I look at Tate, asking to be excused to go to the bathroom.

He didn't give a shit, honestly. But I asked out of respect. I grabbed my stuff and walked down the hall. I circled back around to Lina's classroom and easily spotted her from the glass. She was giving a polite smile to some fucking dude talking to her, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I texted her.

Me: I can see you fucking reading my texts, Lina.
Why are you ignoring me?

I see her looking at her phone, sigh, then set it back down on the desk.

Me: So help me, if you keep ignoring me...

I see her huff a breath and grab her phone. She shakes her head, puts the phone down and picks her pencil back up, working on whatever it was she's doing.

Oh, fuck this.

I call her. Her eyes widen as she scrambles for it, trying to silence it. The guy beside her asks her something, but she waves it off. She sends me to voicemail, so I call her again.

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