Gatherings and Obsessions

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Outcries could be heard from the audience before even the people in the footage had time to react.

This causes a commotion from the crowd, loudest being Chuck, "Woah, woah, come on! Gally, come on, he killed a Griever!"

"I agree. He should be punished." Janson said curtly with a slight sinister smirk.

Suddenly, Thomas fell to the floor gasping for air and pulling at his neck, trying to get the invisible noose off of his neck. Meanwhile, Jansons' smirk just deepened and deepened.

Chancellor Paige was deeply confused about what was happening to Thomas. She may have sent him into the trials, but when he was 10, Thomas was her favorite kid to come and get for the testing they were doing to try and understand what made Munies so special. She never had to fake a smile around him. Until he started asking too many questions, and kept rebelling.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Janson started talking. She noticed that Thomas was getting redder and redder from the lack of oxygen even though he was gasping for it. She also noted that Newt, Lydia, Minho, Scott, Jorge, and Brenda were all there somehow touching Thomas while everyone was standing up still worried for what was happening to him.

"When you lot were unconscious, we had a surgery to put the chip back into your neck." He explained.

Ava was shocked that he did this without her consent or permission she shot him a glare and started to stand up.

"Teresa, you can stop now! Let the poor boy have some oxygen before you kill him!" Janson laughed like that was funny.

Before he stopped gasping, though, Lydia had looked at his neck. She saw the chip outline and the tattoo.

'To be killed by Group B'

She started sobbing and when Scott noticed it he looked at Stiles with tears in his eyes. Then, the glossy eyes changed to hard, bright red ones.

He charged at Janson but Allison stopped him by jumping in front of him, "What happened to no killing?"

"Screw that! Did you see what he did to Stiles!?" Allison nodded but kept quiet and hugged Scott to get him to calm down.

Melissa joined in the hug, tears in her eyes, at what had happened to her adoptive son. These people are cruel! She thought, squeezing tighter.

In about ten minutes, Thomas was back in his seat, panting like crazy, but becoming less and less paler by the minute.

Minho was rubbing his back while sending disturbing glances to Rat Man, meanwhile, Scott and Newt were conversing in a corner about slow and painful ways to kill Janson with Lydia putting in input at times.

Teresa, in the back room, unpaused the footage, yet again, when everyone was back in their seats and they had all made sure Stiles was okay.

Newt shifts again, "Minho. You were there with him. What do you think?" Newt asks the runner.

"Smart. Asking the only other person that was there what really happened!" Lydia said, being passive aggressive to Gally. The latter just sunk lower in his seat.

Minho stands up and sighs with everyone listening intently, "I think that in all the time we've been here, no one's ever killed a Griever before." Thomas looks worried as Minho takes a pause, contemplating his next words, "When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank," Minho points at Thomas, "stood behind to help Alby. Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid," This causes some chuckles to arouse.

"Definitely stupid!" Jackson says, earning a few glares.

"But whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner." Minho finishes.

Teen Wolf Watches The Maze RunnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora