V20 - Chapter 230 Welcome back to Legrath

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Holding onto a strap to stabilize himself from the intense wind, Sharpe looked out the cockpit of the Airforce CV-22 Osprey.

"We will be landing in three minutes," the pilot said.

"Roger that," Sharpe said.

Gazing out the cockpit window, Sharpe watched their approach to the mighty Fortress of Legrath.

"Can I see?" Pina asked.

"There. We should be able to see Legrath clearer on the side window."

Sharpe then moved from the cockpit and to the left side window as the pilot started to circle the fortress as a procedure to slow the aircraft down for the landing. Pina followed Sharpe to the window. Now, the two gaze at the massive, two hill fortress.

Legrath, the once undefeated fortress of the Empire. Built to protect Elies and the western part of the Empire from dark races' invasions. Built around two hills, two massive walls, and a massive internal system designed by dwarves capable of housing multiple Legions in addition to the original fortress' defenders. Even the two hills had openings for specialized weapons that were long-range. Even for a magical civilization, the feat of the fortress is incredible.

After it fell into NATO's hands, they saw the fortress fit as their main operating base in the Elies theater and refurbished and modified it to their needs in power projection. The inner wall has been removed while the outer wall has been reformed with guard towers, searchlights, gun emplacements of various calibers, mortars, and surface to air weaponry. All covering all sides of the already mighty fortress.

While the old innermost wall was demolished to make more room for building extensions, motor pool, and helipads. The road connecting the northern end and the southern end had been enlarged to the size of a 4 lane highway to accommodate larger traffic. The buildings also weren't spared from modification as Sharpe and Pina could see lights and communication equipment on them, along with many extensions built or were still being built onto the buildings. On the northern corner, just outside of the fortress, there was an airbase housing various aircrafts from various NATO nations that are under construction. Some aircraft can already be seen such as F-16 fighter jets, the coveted A-10 attack jets, and even a U-2 spy plane and three B-1 Lancer bombers.

"Will say," Sharpe said. "The images do not do justice to this beast."

"I always forget how big it is. Now you guys have made it even mightier than it already was. Now it looks like it would take every army in Falmart to even have hope to take it down." Pina commented while looking at the fortress in awe. "Also, do you remember? This was our first official mission together."

"I remember," Sharpe replied. "I still have the scar on my back from my tango with Taylin(1)."

With a laugh, Pina pointed toward the three cranes built on top of the fortress. "I saw those on Earth. I can see so many changes already."

"Wartime speed," Sharpe said. "It has been our goal to turn it into a major base of operations for decades to come. Its symbolic importance and strategic location are vital for our long-term plans here. However, that does not mean it was well suited for our equipment without massive renovation."

"I see that," Pina said. "You people love to change everything to your needs. Feels like your people are always compensating for something."

"Go big or go home, Princess," Sharpe replied.

Noticing a sharp glare than a chuckle, Sharpe looked back at the fortress as the helicopter prepared to land. The key difference he saw already was the inner wall being torn down to make more space for vehicles. Reforming the hilltop and turning them into landing pads. On it, he already sees two F-35Bs and two Chinooks. It was ingenious for the Empire to use the natural hill formation as a natural third layer of protection, something NATO does not need though.

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