Chapter Twenty-One

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There must have been some kind of sedative in that drink because I was soon asleep. However, I was uncomfortably hot and restless. I kept waking up due to the heat which was giving me a pounding headache. The lady who had introduced herself as Shilo took care of me. She constantly wiped my forehead with a cool clothe. I had asked her where Daddy was and she said he came to see me twice but I was asleep. That made me sad because I missed him so much. She said he would come and see me in the morning. I started feeling better later in the night and slept till morning.

I woke up to the sound of Daddy's deep, soothing voice at my bedside. I flung myself at him and held him super tight. He chuckled, causing his huge chest to vibrate.
'Morning, angel. I'm so happy to see that you're feeling better.'
'I missed you Daddy,' I couldn't help sobbing.
'I missed you more.' Daddy rubbed my back and petted my messy hair. When I had calmed down, Miss Shilo examined me some more and asked me some questions. She seemed satisfied with my responses.

Kai gave me a bowl of oats with pieces of banana mixed in. I practically inhaled it since I hadn't eaten much the previous day. Unfortunately, I had to drink more of the green stuff. This time around I could taste the vile concoction but I had to force it down. It was worth it because Daddy was proud of me.
'Ok buddy, let's get you cleaned up. You smell kinda funky.' My face heated up as she led me through a door that led to a spacious bathroom.
I took off my sticky clothes while she prepared the bath. Miss Shilo turned to help me into the tub.

I felt surprisingly comfortable while she washed me. She was quick, though her hands seemed to linger on my belly. It made me slightly self-conscious since my belly had grown a bit since I started living with Daddy. She helped me to dry off and put on the clothes Daddy had brought for me. I was heading out when Miss Shilo stopped me.
'Hold on. I need to do one more test before I let you go home,' then she mumbled,' it's probably a waste of time but you never really know...'
Miss Shilo retrieved a small glass cylinder and asked me to pee in it.

She gave me some privacy and I did what she had asked, even though I thought it was a bit strange. She took it to one of her work tables while I went to cuddle with Daddy. A couple of minutes later, she came over to us with a grim expression.
'I did one more test and I now know what's really going on with Ravana.'
Daddy tensed up and held me tightly,
' What did you find out?'
'i have some... interesting news. I would have realized it sooner but this is an unusual case-'
'Shilo, can you just get to the point. What's going on?'
Miss Shilo shifted uncomfortably,
' General, your boy is pregnant.'


I sat on the couch and watched Daddy anxiously. His face was blank and his eyes were unfocussed. He'd been like that since we left the healer's quarters. I was pretty out of it myself since we had received the shocking news. Apparently, my femininity didn't just end at my appearance. I was also able to have babies. Miss Shilo had rambled on about anatomy but I hardly heard her. I was more worried about Daddy's reaction. Obviously, I hadn't expected him to burst into song but this was way worse. My fears were coming to pass. I was pulled away from my thoughts by Daddy's clearing throat.

' So... This was unexpected.'
I was too nervous to respond so I just nodded. He continued,' I never thought I'd be in this situation but it's a pleasant surprise.'
' Really?' I gasped, my eyes nearly popping out of my head.
' Well of course. I've always wanted kids of my own but it was impossible since I've only into men.'
' So... you're not mad?'
Daddy frowned,' I'm shocked but I'm certainly not mad.' He came over to sit next to me.' Seems like your thoughts are running away with you. Tell me what's on your mind.'

I wrung my hands in my lap.' Well, I thought you didn't want a baby and you would be mad,' the next sentence was painful but I forced myself to say it,' and then you would send me away...'
Daddy seems to be stunned speechless for a second. Then, he pulled me into a bone-chrushing hug with his chin resting on my head.
' I want you to listen very carefully. I would never cast you away for that. If I had known, I would made sure we took the necessarily precautions to avoid situations like this.'
I stiffened when I heard that,' I thought you said you wanted a baby' I said in a small voice.

' I do want a baby, but not at the expense of your freedom. You're still so young. I wouldn't want to trap you like this. It's your decision whether to keep the baby or not. I'll support you either way, I promise.'
I didn't even have to think about it.
' I wanna keep the baby.'
Daddy's face seemed to light up with joy. He scooped me up and spun around the room, making me giggle.
' Thank you baby. You just made me the happiest man in the kingdom.'
It warmed my heart to see him so excited to have a baby with me. Hopefully that meant he wanted me around, not just because of the baby but because he actually liked me.

Slightly shorter chapter 😬 please bear with me

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