Chapter Four

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I kept the little figure with black hair in my peripheral vision as I moved around the room. There was no way I could have failed to notice that enchanting boy. Even from a distance, I was drawn to the beautiful glow of his caramel coloured skin and his lustrous black hair. And don't even get me started on that gorgeous little outfit. The colours suited him so well. I couldn't wait to get a closer look at his bottom in those pants. I decided to talk to him last so I could take my time with him.

As the afternoon progressed, I because more and more worried about my boy. He'd been sitting all by himself in the same spot. He also hadn't eaten so much as a bite. Maybe he wasn't much of a socializer, but he needed to eat something. When I finally finished with the other boys, I immediately grabbed a fruit platter from one of the servants and headed straight towards the waterfall. My pretty little thing spotted me but clearly didn't like the idea because he averted his eyes as if wishing I would disappear. That stung as I was very eager to get to know him.

Instead of forcing an interaction, I decided to make sure he ate then I'd leave.' Hey, angel,' I said softly so I wouldn't startle him,' I noticed you sitting here all by yourself. You haven't eaten anything all afternoon so I brought you some fruit.' He immediately flushed and fixed his eyes on his lap. Yup, definitely not a talker. I picked up a piece of pineapple with a fork and held it up to him. Thankfully, he accepted and wrapped his full lips around it quickly. When he realized his own eagerness, he flushed again. I loved that rosy colour on his cheeks. We spent a few minutes in comfortable silence with me feeding him.

When he held up a palm at the fruit I offered, I took that as a sign that he was full. I would have liked him to eat more but this would have to do. I was mentally preparing myself to walk away because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but he surprised me by picking up the fork. He speared a piece of strawberry and held it out to me.' Have some?' he said in a soft voice that made my heart melt. I wasn't hungry but there was no way I could say no to him. I took the fruit in my mouth and was rewarded with a dimpled smile.' You're so pretty. What's your name?' I asked before I could stop myself.

I thought he was going to withdraw back into his mind again but he just blushed and replied timidly,' I'm Ravana.' I beamed.' Such a beautiful name for a beautiful boy.' The poor boy was so embarrassed he hid in his own shoulder. Some of his hair fell to cover his face. I pulled it away and tucked it behind his ear. It was even softer than it looked.
'Wh-what's your name?' Ravana asked when he regained his composure.
' I'm Yvan, Yvan Osiris.'
He smiled,' I like it.'
He continued feeding me bits of fruit and I snuck in some questions. Everything was going well until I asked about his age.

' I'll be nineteen in a few months.' I choked on the bit of orange I'd been about to swallow. One of the servants rushed over with a glass of juice. I took a few gulps, then a few deep breaths to compose myself. All the other boys I'd spoken to had been either twenty-three or twenty-four. That was already quite a stretch but nineteen was just too young. When I turned to Ravana, he had removed his feet from the pool and was tightly hugging his knees. I mentally cursed myself when I saw that he was close to years. I moved to sit beside him and slowly rubbed his back.' I'm sorry if I upset you, baby. I was just surprised that you're so young. Did you even want to come here?'

He squirmed a bit.' No.'
I felt my heart twist painfully as he said the truth I didn't want to hear.
,'but... I like it. I like the fruit, and your voice, and the way you rub my back.' My heart soared. I understood how hard it must have been for him to say all that so I made sure to praise him.
' Thank you for answering me honestly, beautiful. And thank you for the compliment about my voice.' Ravana smiled at that and the tears disappeared. Then, he frowned slightly,' but...but-what's wrong with my age?'
'Baby, nothing's wrong with your age. I'm just worried about the age difference between us because I'm much older than you.'

The dejected look returned, along with the tears and I continued to rub his back. He struggled to hold back the tears and I tried to comfort him.
' Hey, it's okay,' I cooed,' age doesn't really matter it you're comfortable. Do you mind being with an older man?'
He looked up at me with teary eyes
,' h-how old are y-you?' he stuttered.
I winced,' I'm thirty-five.'
'So... sixteen year age difference?'
'Very good,' I couldn't help being proud of his quick thinking. He quietly looked at me for a few moments then said,' I don't mind.'

I almost didn't hear him, but I felt a huge wave of relief. We sat and talked for a bit before it was time to send the boys home. Kyane called everyone to gather in the front. I stood off to the side and observed the group.
'So, I hope you all had a wonderful afternoon,' Kyane started,' I'd like to present you all with a little gift basket as a token of our gratitude for gracing us with your presence. There are carriages outside waiting to take you all home.' When everyone had received a basket, I moved to the front and gave a final address.'Thank you all again for being here. As for the decision regarding my final choice, the chosen individual will receive a response by the end of the week. If you don't get a response, then I apologise in advance. Safe travels.'

16 year age gap (●__●) thoughts?

And on another note, do y'all think Ravana's name is too girly?

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