Chapter Eight

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'...and then, Kyane took me to the pantry to get chocolate treats. There were so many! I haven't eaten any of them except for the candies. I was so excited!' the boy practically squealed. This was the most he'd said to me at one time. He obviously loved his chocolate so I would have to make sure I indulged him. I sent him up to change into his night clothes while I finished my bath. Then, I went up to my room to put on some comfortable pants and a shirt. I was in the dining room when Ravana came in looking like a dream. He was wearing pink silk pyjamas: a short sleeved button up shirt and tiny shorts that hugged his butt. He took a seat opposite me at the table, completely oblivious to the reaction he was causing in my pants.

The two servants brought in our dinner and set it on the table. I took the initiative to make Ravana's plate for him. I was taking Miss Amber's advice seriously and becoming Ravana's "caregiver". Obviously, I would have to pay close attention to him to understand him better. He seemed happy with the plate I prepared for him. We settled into a comfortable silence and ate our dinner. After the table had been cleared, I sat down with my baby for a little talk.
'I have Sundays off from army training so we can spend the day together tomorrow, okay?' He smiled and nodded.
'We'll make a list of rules together.'
'And...and chores,' he added.
'Absolutely. Now let's go get you some treats before bed.'

He squeaked when I scooped him up from his chair and perched him on my hip. I walked to the kitchen and put him on the counter.
'Which cupboard did you pack the treats in?' He quickly pointed to one of the highest cupboards on the far left. I pulled out a jar of chocolate paste.
' You can have a spoon of chocolate paste and one other snack. Which one do you want, baby?'
He bit his plump bottom lip in concentration for a moment.' Can I have a cookie? Please?' He gave me the cutest puppy eyes and I instantly melted.
'Sure. In fact, you can have four cookies.'

Ravana wiggled excitedly as I put four chocolate coated biscuits on a plate and handed it to him. I poured him a glass of milk as an afterthought. My baby held out one of his cookies to me and I ate it out of his hand. After chewing the last bite, I held his wrist up and sucked the chocolate off his sticky fingers. He went as red as a tomato. When he finished his cookies, I held up a spoonful of chocolate paste. The look of ecstasy on his pretty face as he licked it clean was priceless. I hoped to get a look like that when I made him come. My cock twitched at that thought. I put the dishes in the sink and lifted Ravana back onto my hip. He rested his head on my shoulder.

I walked up to the third storey which housed our rooms. The door to his room was open so I walked in, pulled back the covers on his bed, and sat him down.
'Get under the covers so I can tuck you in.'
His face scrunched up in confusion but he did what I said.
'I'm gonna leave the bedside lamp on. I'm also gonna leave both our doors open a little, Ok? You can come to me if you need anything.'
'Okay, goodnight.' he whispered.
'Goodnight baby.'
I walked to my room and switched off the lights. Barely ten minutes passed before I heard my bedroom door creaking.

I turned on the lights and sat up to see Ravana nervously wringing his hands in the doorway.
'Is everything okay?' He nodded, then shook his head, then nodded again.
'Come sit over here and tell me what's up.' I patted a spot beside me on the bed. He came and sat facing away from me. I sighed and rubbed my face.
'What's the matter baby? Are you ok?' Ravana nodded and continued to play with his hands.
'Do you want to tell me what's wrong so I can make it better?'
He opened his mouth then quickly closed it. I waited patiently until he was ready to try again.
'Uh...I-um... floaties?'

'What's that?' I had no idea what that was. Did he want to play a game or something? He was back to being silent so I tried again.
'I don't know what that is baby. Can you show me?'
Ravana stood and took his shorts and white briefs off. I watched in shock as he climbed on the bed and started pulling at my blanket. Thankfully, my senses came back before I mounted him and fucked him senseless.
'No no, it's Ok. We can do that another time.' His face fell and he burst into tears. Before I could grab him, he was off the bed and putting his clothes back on. I got to him just in time and carried him back to the bed.

'Sshh, it's ok sweetie. I've got you.'
He pulled away from my shoulder and looked at me with puffy eyes.' D-did I do something w-wrong?'
'No, of course not,' I soothed,' I thought that since it's been an exciting day you would want to rest. We have plenty of time for..."floaties", I promise.'
'Ok,' he said and started wiping the tears off.
'How about you sleep in here tonight? You like that?' He clapped excitedly and I lowered him onto his side of the bed. A few minutes later I could hear his breathing even out.

I didn't really feel sleepy so I started brainstorming some of the rules I would add to the list tomorrow. There obviously had to be more openness in our little arrangement if I wanted Ravana to be able to talk to me. I wanted him to be able to immediately tell me if something was bothering him. I was also getting worried because he hadn't called me anything since we had met, except for "sir" that one time. I also needed to come up with a few chores for him. They had to be like light and manageable for him. I thought about this until I drifted off to sleep.

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