Chapter Five

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'I thought you didn't want to get selected,' Miss Amber asked with a confused look.
'I didn't, but then I saw the General. He was so tall, and handsome, and strong. He said I was pretty, he called me "angel" and "beautiful" and "baby". He even fed me fruit, and rubbed my back when I was sad...'
Miss Amber listened to my rambling with a knowing smile on her face.' You like him.'
I blushed,' yeah. But he isn't going to pick me because of my age. He's probably gonna pick that ginger-haired boy..' I grumbled.

'It's ok. Whatever happens, I'll still be proud of you. If you get picked, we'll celebrate with chocolate candies. If you don't, we'll binge on chocolate candies. It's a win-win situation.'
I giggled and gave Miss Amber a hug. Then, I went to change into my pyjamas. I braided my hair for the night. Then, I put the outfit I'd been wearing into the laundry basket. I was putting away my earrings when Miss Amber called me to the kitchen. She had been unpacking the gift basket from the meet-up. She silently handed me the empty basket. I gasped when I saw what was left inside: the General's medallion.

The next morning, a royal messenger came with a letter that confirmed our suspicions. The General had chosen me to be the royal concubine. I had one week to prepare then a carriage would transport me and my things to the castle. I wept tears of joy when I read it. Miss Amber read it more thoroughly when I was done. Then, we sat while embracing each other for a long time.
'Ok, come on. Let's go make you more of those spicy little outfits.'
'Nooooo, you said we'd celebrate with chocolate candies!' I wailed.
'Fine, chocolate candies. Then we'll get to the spicy little outfits.'


Turns out Miss Amber wasn't joking about the spicy outfits. She made ten, skimpy outfits with different colours and designs. She had kept them hidden until she gave them to me after breakfast.
'What am I supposed to do with these?,' I whined when I opened the rucksack she handed me.
'You wear them to entertain General. Or you can wear them if you want attention, or if you want to persuade him to give whatever you want.' she winked.
'But they're so skimpy!'
Miss Amber sighed and pulled up a chair at the table. I could tell she was preparing for one of her "teachable moments".

'Listen, honey,' she started,' you know that you're going to be the General's concubine right?' I nodded.
'Ok, do you actually know what a concubine is?'
I frowned then shook my head.' Not really'.
'Well, your job as a concubine is to take care of the General's sexual needs. He's use you to feel good. You have to always make sure you look good, and you need to take care of him, Ok?'
I blinked a few times as the scary information sunk in.' Y-you said I have to make him f-feel m-mean like "floaties"?'
'Exactly, good boy!' her appraising smile fell when I burst into tears.

'Hey, it's going to be fine honey,' she soothed but I was inconsolable at this point.
'I don't know anything about "floaties"... he's going to send me back!'
Miss Amber rubbed my back until I calmed down.' Listen to me. You don't have to worry about that. I'm sure the General knows that you don't have much experience with se- with "floaties". He'll teach you how to make him feel good. Promise me you'll do what he says?'
'Ok, promise,' I sniffled.
'Good boy! Don't forget to wear the outfits. He won't be able to keep his hands off you.' she was practically swooning at this point.

I excused myself and went to my room to think. I settled comfortably on my bed with my stuffed kitty. That conversation had given me a headache. How was I supposed to make the General feel good when I don't know anything about "floaties". I only found out about "floaties" about a year ago:

I had caught a cold and woke up one night to make some tea. Strange sounds were coming from Miss Amber's room so I went to investigate. I found Miss Amber and the handsome baker naked and in bed together. She had spotted me and scrambled out from under him. The baker had left, half-naked and apologizing profusely. Miss Amber and I had a talk in the kitchen, or rather Miss Amber gave a talk and I sat and listened.

Afterwards, I had learned that people can make each other feel good using their bodies. It could be a man and a woman, or two women or even two men. However, you have to be careful or else you could make a baby, or you could make each other sick.
'What does it feel like?'
Miss Amber blushed,' it feels good, like you're floating in paradise.'
'Can I do "floaties" too? With Brady?'
Miss Amber choked on her tea.' I uh...I didn't know that you liked boys.'
'Yeah, I like boys like Brady. He's handsome, and has muscles, and takes care of me all the time.' That made Miss Amber smile.


As we sat for our final meal together, we talked through all the preparations we'd made to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything. Miss Amber had helped me go through my clothes to choose the ones I'd take. We had gone shopping for new clothes, then packed everything into a large trunk. Then, we had packed my new, smaller "vanity trunk" with scented soaps and oils, jewelry, my spicy outfits, new underwear, a bit of makeup and some hairbrushes and accessories. After I had pestered her about how to please the General, Miss Amber taught me how to clean myself everyday so I can be ready for him. I was freaked out because I didn't get what he would want down there, but whatever... She also taught me how to please the General with my mouth.

We were going through the last few things when we heard the royal carriage pull up outside. Well, I guess it's off to the castle..

Any comments about "floaties"?

Does it sound too silly? Too cringey?

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