Chapter Seven

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I spent a blissful morning with Miss Amber in my new room. I loved it so much. Everything was huge; the bed, the closet, and even the desk with
shelves on the wall above it. By the time we finished putting my things away, it truly felt like it belonged to me. Miss Amber let me arranged my things on the vanity. I took a minute to admire myself in the mirror. Then, we admired the rest of the apartment freely. All too soon, it was time for lunch then Miss Amber had to leave.

'Be a good boy for the General, Ok' she said when we were hugging each other goodbye. I nodded and held her tight for a few seconds. We separated and she climbed into the carriage.' I love you, honey. Bye!'
I waved until she out of sight. Surprisingly, I didn't shed any tears. I was glad that Miss Amber was being supported financially. She would now be able to buy everything she needed to expand her business. That hadn't been possible when she had an extra mouth to feed. Now, she could even afford to take better care of herself. Even if I went back to live with her when I fulfilled my duty, the retirement money would ensure that I wouldn't be a financial strain on her.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kyane who decided to hug me out of the blue.' Heyyyyy, cutie! Yvan said you would be on your own after lunch. Do you want me to take you to the tower or do you want to accompany me on some errands?'
I thought for a moment, then said,
' um...errands?'
'Great choice!' he squealed then grabbed my arm and dragged me with him. We went down to the laundry room in the basement to collect a laundry basket with some sheets. Kyane joked about how his husband accidentally spilled wine on the bed when he was trying to be romantic so he could "get some". I blushed when I realized what he was talking about.

We delivered the basket to his quarters, which turned out to be close to the tower, then I helped him make the bed. His place was smaller, but just as nice as the General's. After that, we sorted through the King's mail and delivered it to his study. Apparently, Kyane had a complicated job description which also included "the King's PA". We made a trip to the kitchen where we had an afternoon snack of mince pies and juice. Then, Kyane led me to the pantry. He made me carry a basket while he filled it with sweet treats.
'It smells like chocolate candies!' I was now excited.

'Yes. Apparently someone really likes their chocolate so Yvan told me to stock his kitchen with anything chocolate flavoured that I could find.'
I started doing a little happy dance when I heard that. Kyane filled the basket with chocolate candies, chocolate bars, chocolate coated biscuits and peanuts, and even jars of chocolate paste. I had never tasted any of that stuff except for the candies! We carried the basket to the kitchen in the tower, then arranged all the treats in one of the cupboards. Kyane made sure to use a cupboard that was out of my reach so I couldn't get to the treats easily.

We hung out in his living room for the rest of the afternoon and talked.
'Soooo, are you excited to do the nasty with the General?' Kyane asked with a wink.
I flushed,' I d-don't really know much about t-that.'
'Awwww,' Kyane swooned,' you're a virgin! You just became ten times cuter.' I let him pet my hair for a moment.
'Uggh, I don't know if it's a good idea to have the General be your first, though.'
I looked at him with wide eyes.' W-what do you mean?'
'Apparently, he's really big down there. He would tear your little hole apart.' he chuckled.

Miss Amber had explained during one of my recent lessons about "floaties" that the General would put his thing in my hole. She said it would be painful the first time because my hole wouldn't be used to it. If his thing really was big, it would be really bad. Suddenly I wasn't so excited about "floaties". Kyane noticed my discomfort.
'Don't worry that pretty little head of yours. I'm sure it's not that bad. Besides, Yvan would never intentionally hurt you.' Thankfully, the conversation moved to other things and my worries were soon forgotten. Towards sunset, Kyane walked me to the tower and hugged me goodbye. I let myself in and found two servant boys preparing dinner in the kitchen.

I just awkwardly stood there with nothing to do. Then, I decided to draw the General a bath to help him relax. I ran to grab my berry scented bath soap and went downstairs to the giant bathroom. It had a separate shower, bathtub, and a hot tub. I filled the tub with steaming hot water and added some of the soap. The top of the water was soon covered with bubbles. I went back upstairs to wait for him when the door opened. He walked in with his shirt in his hand.
'Hey baby. How was your day?'
I immediately became shy.' It was good. I...I made y-you a bubble bath.'
He beamed at me,' Really? That's nice, thank you. Do you wanna show me?'

I nodded then timidly took his hand and led him to the bathroom. I averted my eyes while he took off the rest of his clothes. He called me over when he was completely in the tub. I sat next to him and watched him while he relaxed with his eyes closed. I quietly appreciated his strong jaw with the day-old stubble, his straight nose, high cheekbones and dark brows. The man really was a fine specimen. He suddenly opened his grey eyes and caught me staring. I wanted to hide but he just chuckled and asked me to tell him how I spent my day.

Sooo, do y'all think the rumours about Yvan are true? Does he give off big-D energy? (⌐■-■)

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