Chapter Three

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Miss Amber had to bribe me with chocolate candies to get me out of bed on Friday morning. I didn't want to go to that stupid meet-up but I obviously didn't have a choice. The hours flew by way too quickly. I swear I just blinked and it was time to head to the castle. Miss Amber walked me all the way to the gates and made sure that I actually went in. Kyane was waiting with a few other boys in the courtyard. He beckoned me over.' Hey, cutie! Welcome.' I smiled and waved at him.
'We're just waiting for one more- Oh, he's here.'

When all the boys were in one place, Kyane led the way through the ornate double doors into the castle. We passed through long hallways with gleaming marble floors and blue and gold tapestries on the walls. Kyane led us through the grand hall with the two gilded thrones on a dais in the front. Our group was ushered through a door on the left. We followed quietly until we reached a corridor with doors on either side.' Ok, my lovelies. Pick a room and freshen up. I'll meet you all out here in twenty minutes.' he said with a wink before sashaying away.

We all quickly picked rooms before disappearing into them. Mine had a white marble floor and a coral colour scheme. I dropped my small bag on the bed and pulled out my rose-scented body wash. Then, I took a quick shower. Thankfully, Miss Amber had forced me to wash my hair earlier so I didn't have to worry about that now. Then, I applied some scented oil that made my skin glow. Finally, I pulled out the "spicy outfit" that Miss Amber made. I wouldn't admit it to her but I thought it was really pretty. The cropped top and harem pants were both made of pink fabric and shiny, sheer rose-gold tulle. The top had a short-sleeved, off the shoulder design.

I put on my pink pumps and small hoop earrings. Then, I unbraided my hair and let it fall down my back like Miss Amber told me to. I took a moment to admire my reflection in the full length mirror on one of the walls. I really did look spicy!
'Time's up, boys! Come on, let's go!' Kyane called out from the corridor. I joined all the other boys outside and we all openly scrutinized each other. I was probably the one person with the most fabric on. Everyone else was wearing very skimpy outfits. One ginger-haired boy was wearing a sleeveless white top and a very short, powder-green skirt. Another boy was wearing tight little shorts under a sheer mesh top.

'Don't you look ravishing!,' Kyane exclaimed,' I'm gonna need to borrow some of those little outfits.' This caused some quiet, nervous giggles from the group. Kyane led us through more hallways until we came to another set of double doors. They opened to reveal a breathtaking, indoor paradise. There was so much green: the luscious grass, giant leafy plants, and creeping vines. There was even a clear pond and a waterfall.' Please come in. Help yourselves to the refreshments and feel free to explore. The General is still in training. He should be joining us shortly.'


I was admiring the waterfall with a few other boys when the General was announced. I turned to the front just as a tall man strode in. He was almost as tall as the doors! He had an undercut and dark brown hair that was tied in a messy bun. The General regarded us with his steel grey eyes. When he addressed the gathering, my tummy did flips as soon as I heard his deep, husky voice. I didn't hear what he was saying as I was busy feasting my eyes. Save for a gleaming golden medallion, he was bare-chested. I had never seen a more toned torso in my life! His tanned skin was pulled tight over his abs and bulging biceps. He even had a tattoo sleeve starting from his right shoulder.

By the time he finished his brief speech, I was so unsettled that I lost my appetite. Thank God I hadn't eaten any of the snacks or else I would have thrown up. I took a moment to calm down a bit. Then, I moved to sit beside the pool created by the waterfall and put my feet in the water. The cold water helped to ground me. Maybe if I stayed in my little spot, I wouldn't have to talk to him. That was the best plan I could come up with so I stayed put and watched him slowly make his way around the room. He seemed to really hit it off with the ginger-haired boy, and another blonde boy who was wearing black shorts and a cropped, long sleeved top.

I kept my fingers tightly crossed as he finished talking to the last boy and stood. My heart swelled when he turned away and strode towards the exit. However, my joy was short-lived as he promptly turned back and headed in my direction after grabbing a small platter from one of the servants. I turned away and silently prayed for him to change his mind. Instead, I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up just in time to see him sitting down next to me.
'Hey, angel,' he said with a dazzling smile, and I spotted a pair of very pointy canines.

'I noticed you sitting here all by yourself, and you haven't eaten anything all afternoon.' He put the platter between us.' I brought you some fruit.'
I felt like I was going to die of embarrassment. I kept my eyes glued to my hands which were fidgeting on my lap. I thought he was going to leave but he just held out a fork with a piece of pineapple on it. I had the fruit in my mouth before I even realized,which made me blush even more. He didn't pressure me to talk. We sat in silence, with him feeding me bits of fruit and me blushing into my lap.

Ncooooo (。ŏ﹏ŏ) he's so cute! Any guesses on what the age difference between Yvan and Ravana is?

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