twenty five

403 27 0

The Chase

The next morning you leave your crappy hotel at dawn with your suitcase. You could hardly sleep at all; the people above you were either murdering each other all night or trying to fuck each other into oblivion. Either way, pulling your pillow over your head did not help. And so, here you are, walking with your suitcase in tow over to the bank so you can convert some of your money into dollars.

Once you leave the bank, you're relieved. Having three million USD is a serious weight off your back. Now you really won't have to go crawling back to that asshole again.

You then get yourself a nice hotel room and plop yourself down on the bed. Finally, you're able to get some sleep in the quiet room and it's not until hours later that you wake up from a serious nap. However, as you do, your stomach begins to rumble.

Gathering a bit of your cash, you walk out of the hotel room and wander down the streets looking for a place to eat. You're only a few blocks down from your hotel when you spot a Mcdonald's and decide on going in. There, you order and carry your food over to a table by the window.

Just as you're stuffing your mouth with your french fries, your attention is pulled away out towards the street for some unknown reason. You peer across the road and find a man sitting on a bench looking down at his phone- a man who looks eerily similar to Aki. Once you make this assumption you nearly choke on your food. The crowd around you gives you a worried look, but you sip on your drink and ignore them like nothing's wrong.

On your way to the garbage can- trying to get the hell out of there as quickly as you can- you swallow down a bit more of your food before wasting it in the garbage. When you then get outside onto the busy street, you tie your hair back as though you're about to go on a run. You've already grown enough attention, so acting like you're on a run is the least you can do to avoid gaining anymore.

As you run, you head towards the direction of the hotel. Even if Aki knows where you're staying, he won't be able to get in without a key. While thinking of him, you turn back and see that he's now chasing after you, careless to whomever he bumps into.

Your stomach churns at the idea of going back to see Kisaki- after all he's done to you, he really expects you to go back to him? Hell. No.

You turn a corner, hoping to god that he didn't see you as you catch your breath. However, when you hear hurried footsteps draw near, you continue your run. Unfortunately, thanks to your little break, Aki's able to catch up quite easily. He rushes towards you and grabs you by the arm, roughly yanking you back towards him. You let out a gasp and try to pull away, but his grip is unhumanly tight.

"What the hell do you want?!" you shout at him. "Leave me alone!"

"Will you just stop running away so we can talk for a second?!"

"Hate to break it to you, Aki, but nobody wants to 'talk' after being chased through town!"

Aki sighs and loosens his grip on you just a bit. "I'm sorry, but please, I think you should hear Kisaki out. Go and talk to him just one more time."

"No way!" you laugh in his face. "He knows I want nothing to do with him anymore."

"Don't be so stubborn! Just give it a try and if you still feel that way, then fine but at least just hear him out," he replies, letting go of you completely.

You stand still and stare back at him for a moment, contemplating your decision. "Why does he even want to see me?" you then ask quietly.

"He wants to explain everything to you... The reason why he did everything and why it all turned out the way that it did," he explains.

However, you hardly hear him out before scoffing. "I don't want to know. I just want to be done with the whole thing."

"Yeaaah," he drawls sarcastically before crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at you. "That ring still on your finger disagrees."

You quickly hide your hand behind your back, a bit embarrassed that he saw you're still wearing that, but it's too late- he's grinning, knowing how you really feel.

"C'mon," he hums, "you know the way, too."

With a frown, you trudge after him. That asshole better keep his promise that you can leave and never have to see Kisaki again after this.

When you get to Kisaki's house, he sits you down on the sofa. Aki and Kazutora walk out to the back porch with some California weed that's supposed to be 'godly' according to Aki. Then, once the two of you are along, Kisaki begins to explain the situation,

He starts by telling you that he owned a club back in Japan- a 'Wisteria Club'.

"Some things happened to me and my partner," he says, shaking his head side to side while hoping you won't ask about the particulars, "and the club ended up going down. We tried different methods to make it work, but it all became too much in the end..."

"So you left?" you ask aloud.

"With everything going on, it was for the best," he nods. "One day we can go back, but for now it's safer for us here. I am sorry for lying to you, but I needed to get us out of there and you're quite stubborn."

You sigh and shake your head, doing your best to stay calm even after he called you stubborn. "You're such an ass."

"Well you've heard me out so the decision is up to you," he shrugs. "What do you think? Are you going to stay here or start your own life in America?"

You look down at your hands in your lap and contemplate for a moment. "Yeah," you say with a small grin, "it would be nice to go back eventually."

Kisaki takes you by the cheek and gently tilts your head to face him. "I'll be happy as long as you stay with me," he says softly.

You smile at his words. "I really hate you, you know," you scoff. "You make me fucking crazy."

"I could say the same about you," he hums, leaning closer until kissing you. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him back. With eyes fluttering closed, you simply picture just being happy in the moment and you're pleased with your decision to stay.

 With eyes fluttering closed, you simply picture just being happy in the moment and you're pleased with your decision to stay

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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now