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The Captive

The next time you open your eyes you find yourself in a dimly lit room thanks to the boarded-up windows surrounding you. Once you realize you're definitely not where you ought to be, you attempt to stand but realize that you're strapped down to a chair with ropes around your wrists and ankles.

Soon, footsteps are heard a little ways off and you find Kazutora casually walking towards you. With another tug on your restraints, you narrow your eyes and spit at him saying, "I thought we made it really damn clear that we were partners, you asshole! Let me go!"

But he can't possibly be your kidnapper, right? He'd never betray Mikey.

"Sorry, Y/N," he apologizes fakely, "but I'm actually already partners with Kisaki."

"The hell are you talking about?!" you continue to shout. "We're partners, dumbass! Did you get concussed in the car?!"

With a sigh, Kazutora bends down on his knees right in front of you and shrugs. "Don't think so."

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?" you say a bit calmer, trying to reason with him. "Mikey's gonna freak out and kill you!"

"How, when he's got his best assassin right in front of me all tied up?" he smirks. "The whole reason he hired you was so he didn't have to get his hands dirty, you know, 'cause of the whole 'dark impulses' thing he's got goin' on."

"I don't get why you're doing this," you say with a shake of your head. "What's the point?"

Kazutora tilts his head to the side, jingling his earring as he looks at you from a new perspective.

"What would be the fun in life if I didn't mix it up a bit?" he hums, a sadistic smirk crawling across his lips as he answers your question.

"What a dumb excuse," you scoff. "How long have you been with Kisaki for?"

"Hmm, I dunno... Two or three months maybe?"

Finally, it hits you. That's how he was able to track Kisaki with his phone. He must have shared that information with Mikey when he found out there was a price on his partner's head to make sure you didn't get anywhere close to killing him. And shit, you even gave him your gun!

"Well, what was all that bullshit about working with me, then?" you ask, despite already having your answer in denial that any of this is true. "You said you wanted to see how I worked."

"That wasn't a lie," he shrugs. "I did want to see how you worked, but I wasn't expecting you to totally fall apart when you have a partner. That was pretty shitty work, huh?"

The chuckle that Kazutora gives out is more than enough for you to wish you could deck him right in the face Mikey-style until he never wakes back up. But instead, you merely mutter curse after curse to yourself after taking into consideration the situation that you're in.

Just then, another pair of footsteps make their way closer towards you. The morning sunlight coming through a crack in one of the boarded-up windows gives you just the right amount of light to see that it's Kisaki approaching you. And as he does, Kazutora smiles at you once more before standing up with a sigh.

"You're finally awake," Kisaki hums with a disapproving shake of his head.

"God, she slept for hours," Kazutora groans in response for you.

Once more you pull on the ropes restraining you, hoping that somehow they'll magically fall right off. You groan when you realize they're still just as tight. "Let me go!" you spit at the two of them.

"Don't be so impatient," Kazutora sighs. "Kisaki wanted to talk to you about something. Think you can spare some time for that?"

"No!" you snap. "I don't want to fucking talk to him! Just loosen these stupid ropes and let me finish the job you were too pussy to finish!"

When Kisaki sighs, the two of them exchange an irritated look. "Let her be then," he shrugs. "She'll come around eventually."

That's not likely.

Kisaki then bends down to your level right in front of your chair and smirks at you. Suddenly, you're then jolted forwards as he grabs onto your chair and jolts it onto the two front legs to lean you closer to him.

"You're quite possibly the worst assassin I've ever talked to," he mocks.

And you're way too close, you think to yourself.

Once Kisaki's done messing with you, he pushes back on your chair causing you to fall backwards onto the ground. You let out a scream as you crush your hands beneath your body. Then, once again, it's just you and Kazutora in the room.

Kazutora walks closer to you, almost hovering right over your body. He then pauses, looking at you for what feels like years until he lifts up his foot and steps right over you. You turn your head to the side to watch him get further away until you're left completely alone in the bare room.

Again, you try to weakly move your arms. At least you didn't break your fingers or get injured from that fall, you think as you try to stay optimistic. Besides, you've got to find a way to get out of these restraints and kill Kisaki while he's still nearby. Since you no longer have Kazutora or the club as your lead to track Kisaki, you've got to end this now. Who's to say you'll ever find him again? After all, this whole thing was a setup.

 Who's to say you'll ever find him again? After all, this whole thing was a setup

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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now