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The Hairdresser

"And what do you do outside of coming here?" Kisaki had asked, unintentionally causing you to internally begin to panic.

"Oh, uh, actually I'm, um, a hairdresser! But I just moved to this area so I'm still looking for employment, unfortunately," you nod as you lie through your teeth.

Kisaki looks up at your hair for a moment and then hums. You let out a deep breath, relaxing when it seems that he's bought your lie. "Why would you move here if you don't have a job lined up yet? You could find something elsewhere, you know."

"Yeah, that's a good point," you chuckle awkwardly, "but I wanted to get away from my toxic ex who's always chasing me around. I basically had to babysit that worthless-" you begin before stopping yourself when you realize you're about to blow your 'nice girl' act. "Sorry," you giggle instead, "that makes me sound so rude. I really didn't mean to say it like that."

Kisaki hums once again. You think his silence is absolutely killer, and the whole time you stay with him, he does nothing but the same, either asking you questions that force you to lie out of your ass or barking orders at his scary-looking friends in such a fast way that makes you wonder if he's even speaking the same language as you.

Soon, he checks his phone and tells you that he's got to get going. You quickly turn on your phone and see that it's just about three in the morning. You can't believe you spent the entire night with him. You hope to God that Kazutora is still away.

"Wow, three a.m. already, that was quick," you gasp fakely.

Thank God.

You scoot yourself out of the booth quickly. Kisaki stands up beside you and takes your hand in his. Your heart jumps at the sudden contact, you usually don't get this close to your targets while they're still alive. But his hand is warm and you don't really mind the close proximity- it could just be the alcohol talking, though.

"It was nice getting to see you again," he says politely. "Maybe I'll find you here next time I'm here."

You quietly nod, watching the very calculated moves he seems to make. Yet you're still surprised when you watch him lean towards you and place the gentlest of kisses on your cheek before walking away.

You stare at him in shock as he turns his back to you and disappears within the crowd. It takes you a few moments to snap back to reality (thanks to the alcohol you had been drinking) and realize that he's getting away from you. Again!

Completely forgetting all about your partner, you run towards the entrance of the club. You ignore the shouting and cursing that flies in your direction as you make your way through. When you get outside, you look around for the car and run towards it. Pulling on the door, you realize it's locked and curse to yourself when you remember that Kazutora's got the keys.

At just about the same time, two black cars drive by with fully tinted windows. Luckily, Kazutora runs out of the club with impeccable timing and tosses you the keys. Drunk, you flop down into the driver's seat and speed after Kisaki. Kazutora's eyes are blown wide as he sits beside you, clearly not realizing how intoxicated you are until you put the car in drive. Then, cutting the wheel just about all the way it can go, you swerve hard as you round the corner and almost crash right into the window of a bank. This is the last straw for Kazutora.

"Can you even drive right now?!" he shouts over the screeching sounds of rubber on the asphalt.

"Normally I'd lie and say yes but considering I almost crashed us into that building, I think you already know the answer to that!" you giggle back with little mind to the pissed off expression on his face as he tries to come up with a plan to get you out of that damn seat.

"You're drunk as hell, dammit! Pull over!"

"No, I'm not," you retort as you blink your extremely dry eyes. "Everything's just kinda blurry, that's all."

"Y/N, pull the car over!" Kazutora yells again as he stretches his seatbelt so he can reach closer to your steering wheel.


But unfortunately for you, Kazutora doesn't listen and instead grabs the wheel of the car and starts to take control for you. He unbuckles both of your seatbelts, telling you to switch with him quickly. However, when you don't listen to what he's asked, he squishes right into the driver's seat with you squirming around until you end up on top of him.

"This isn't saaaafe," you sing, despite having no control over the car anymore.

"Shut up, Y/N, and get the hell off of me!"

"Why should I?" you bark back, still stubborn as ever despite the situation you're in.

"Seriously?! You're going to get us fucking killed!"

"Am not..." you reply as you suddenly feel yourself grow ill. "Just gonna... take a little nap. I don't feel so hot."

"Don't worry," he whispers as you lean your head back onto his shoulder. "It's almost over."

"Huh? What does that..." you begin before the world fades from view and you give in to your heavy eyelids.

"Y/N," Kazutora calls out to you one last time, but your limp body does nothing but lay against him in response.

"Well shit."


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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now