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The Dead Body

For the rest of that evening, into the night, and the first few hours of the new day, you find yourself unable to sleep. Too hot, you lay above your covers before you sweat to death. And at the same time, your mind is spinning. You can't help thinking about how Kazutora told you Mikey was nearby... But also confused since Kisaki said Kazutora was on Toman's side.

At this point, you don't even know who to believe. Kisaki is so charismatic, he could sell you air and you just have to keep reminding yourself how badly you hated him not even a week ago.

Suddenly, in the midst of your thoughts, your door bursts open. Too tired, you don't move as Kazutora's hair bounces across your room. You can hear him rifling through your things, pulling out clothes, shoes, makeup, and whatever else he can find. Now in a panic, you sit up and watch him packing a large suitcase that sits on top of your dresser.

"What the hell are you doing with my stuff?" you ask as he continues to go about his business in your room.

"They're coming. You need to get out now," he replies vaguely.

"Who? You mean Toman? I seriously doubt they're coming right now... H-How do you know?" you wonder, getting a bit more worried as you ramble on.

"I spotted 'em on my camera. And I was tipped off," he pants between breaths as he rushes around your room. "Don't just stand there! Get dressed!"

The crazed look he gives with his blown out eyes makes chills run down your spine. You nod profusely and jump out of your bed to grab the first set of clothes you can find and run to your bathroom across the room.

When you get back, Kazutora's slung the bag over his shoulder and is waiting right outside the bathroom door for you. He doesn't wait to tell you anything more before grabbing you by the hand and racing you out of the building.

"Hey, wait, isn't Kisaki coming with us?!" you ask nervously. "He was their initial target, after all."

"He'll meet us there," he replies quickly as he throws your bag to the ground. "Shit," he then mumbles. You watch as he begins to turn each of his pockets inside out one by one, fumbling around for his car keys. "Dammit," he grumbles, "I'll be right back. Don't fucking move!"

"Okay," you call out to nobody as Kazutora's already inside. You sit down on your suitcase and begin to close your eyes. Just as you let out a yawn, the suitcase you're sitting on is yanked away from you, soon followed by your arm. In an instant, you're pulled into that red Alfa Romeo you were supposed to meet Aki by during that fake job Kisaki set up for you.

As you're pushed inside, you look over and find Kisaki climbing into the driver's seat.

"You're still here?" you hum as your eyebrows knit together. "What's going on? Kazutora said you were meeting us somewhere."

"That idiot's fucking insane. I'm done dealing with his bullshit," Kisaki admits as he puts his car in drive and races off before you've got a chance to ask anything else. But, it still doesn't halt you from asking as he merges in with traffic.

"Where are we going?"

"To the airport," he says in as few words as possible, as per Kisaki's style you suppose. "I don't want to stick around with these assholes anymore."

Then why can't he just leave by himself? Why does he need me?

After what seems like thirty minutes of staring out the car window in awkward silence, you finally arrive at the airport. However, Kisaki doesn't treat the airport like a normal human being would, and instead drives right on up to the airport's landing pad like he owns the damn place.

When he stops, he parks right outside a whirring helicopter. He gets out of the car without a single regard to whatever you're doing and grabs a different suitcase from the back of the car. You watch him silently until you realize that he's not going to ask you to hurry up.

You get out of the car and cover your ears, not expecting how insanely loud a helicopter really is (especially up close).

"Kisaki!" you yell over the car. "What about my suitcase?! Where is it?!"

"Y/N, I don't have time for this," he shouts back. "Kazutora is going to be here soon!"

You grind your teeth together at how frustratingly pretentious he can be. Pissed off, you walk around to the trunk of the car to check back there for your suitcase. However, as you stand beside Kisaki, he lifts up a gun to your head. Instantly, you lift both of your hands and back up a step. If only you could make a run for it, but it's practically guaranteed you'll get crushed by a wheel of a plane if you leave.

"What the hell," you seeth as anger drips from your tone.

"What's wrong, love? Did you forget that you were my target this whole time? Just because you gave up on killing me doesn't mean I stopped. Or were you too stupid enough to remember all of that?" he hums.

"We had a truce!" you exclaim. "You can't-"

Despite your attempt at negotiation, Kisaki shoots you directly in the left shoulder. You fall to your knees, gripping your shoulder as a scream tears from your throat.

"Was anything you told me even real, you ass?!" you spit as your vision becomes blurry and the world seems to swirl around you. "Any of those conversations we had? All that bullshit you made me go through so you could get your way? Was it all just to fucking leave me dead in the middle of an airport?!"

Kisaki scoffs as he takes a step forward and grabs you by the chin. "You got attached and let your guard down way too easily. Don't blame me for your mistakes. I told you that I'd be the one to kill you. And I no longer need you anymore."

With that, the grip of his pistol knocks into your right temple, sending you directly onto the hard ground. The last thing you feel is your body hit the floor before all of your senses give out.


A/N: lol I'm just kidding. It's not the end. That'd be fucked, I wouldn't do that to you <3 See ya Saturday :)

 That'd be fucked, I wouldn't do that to you <3 See ya Saturday :)

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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara