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The Partner

One day after getting a call from Mikey indicating that he's got some job for you to complete for him, you hop into some expensive limousine and ride to the location that is Toman's headquarters.

You are anything but nervous as you walk through the building- you have done this numerous times over the past several years. When you arrive at the room you're meant to be in, you throw open the doors and find the same round table with the same exact faces of Toman's executives.

You take the empty seat by the door that is exactly across from the position Mikey's sitting and flop back in your chair like it was your own sofa in your house.

"Alright, what's the score now?" you ask carelessly, knowing that whatever they throw at you will be a piece of cake.

"Do you have to be so classless?" Draken sighs as he watches you slouching in the chair, begin just as what he calls 'tiring' as usual. But you roll your eyes and sit up properly as you listen to him. Despite your behavior, you do respect each of the members at the table around you right now, especially the Commander and Vice Commander.

Mikey then clears his throat in anticipation to start up the conversation that is the reason why he's asked you to visit. It's really never anything lighthearted and fun with him, you've come to realize.

He begins to explain to you that recently they have found the leader of a rival gang, Valhalla, but before he can explain further, you tell him you've got all the information you need.

"Okay, so you want me to hunt down this invisible leader and kill him, yeah? 'Cause you know I don't really do the whole 'bring him back alive' thing." You scoff at even the thought of doing so.

"No shit," Baji laughs from the left side of the table. You shoot him a look, but see that he's too busy exchanging looks with Kazutora who silently forces the smile to fade away from Baji's lips.

"Y/N," Mikey calls you, stealing your attention back, "You're correct. I don't care to have him around any longer. Find Kisaki and dispose of him as quickly and cleanly as possible, got that?"

"Alright," you hum. "Will do."

As you stand up and say goodbye to the group, Mikey holds up his hand and asks you to wait a second longer. You look around the room to see if anyone else is just as confused as you are, but their expressions are just as stone-cold as ever.

"Take Kazutora with you," Mikey's voice booms right in your ears, forcing you to internally cringe.

"No way," you shake your head. "I work alo-"

"I wasn't asking."

Wordlessly, you look over at Kazutora who stands up with a blank look on his face.

"You could do it without me, Y/N, but I guarantee that it'll be a hundred times harder."

"I'll take my chances," you scoff, crossing your arms as you stare him down. But when you notice the dark aura radiating off of Mikey's body, you stiffen up and reluctantly agree.

"Whatever, let's just go," you huff as you roll your eyes. As you leave the room Kazutora follows right behind you.

"Why are you so cranky today?" he asks in such a way that scratches your brain in the wrong direction.

"I'm not cranky, I just want to do my job and get it over with so I can go home."

"You always seem like you love your job, so don't lie to me. Besides, I'm your new partner."

"Partner?" you scoff before ignoring that whole other issue. "So what if I lie to you?"

"You know, it's not difficult to tell that you've been pulling off every job Mikey gives you with ease. I'd like to see how you work for myself if you'd just let me tag along for this one job."

"Not interested," you scoff. "Have a nice day."

Kazutora, not taking 'no' for an answer, runs in front of you and holds out his phone. You roll your eyes as you continue walking, forcing him to walk backwards in front of you.

"I'm not looking for a partner right now, romantic or otherwise," you hum as you narrow your eyes at him.

"That isn't what I was asking," he smirks, "but if it was you probably wouldn't be able to resist agreeing."

"Oh yeah?" you grin back as you stop walking and steal the phone from his grip. "Fine then, what are you giving me this for?"

When Kazutora points onto the screen, you see a blinking red light on a map as though he's got a tracker to follow something specific.

"Is this what I think it is?!" you ask in awe of how he actually got his hands on something like this.

"Yep, I've got a tracker on that Kisaki guy you're targetting. That's why Mikey wanted me to come with you."

"Alright Kazutora," you look up at him with a small grin, "I guess I'll keep you around for now, but don't get too comfortable. I told you before, partners aren't really my thing."

"That's fine with me," he smiles. "I only want to tag along for this one job anyway."

You smile to yourself as the two of you walk out of Toman's headquarters, ready to complete what you believe to be an easy job now thanks to Kazutora's little tracker.

You smile to yourself as the two of you walk out of Toman's headquarters, ready to complete what you believe to be an easy job now thanks to Kazutora's little tracker

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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now