twenty one

401 24 0

The New Start

A few days later, your 'husband' discharges you from the hospital. Still understanding not a single word in English, you allow him to deal with all of the paperwork and communication as much as it pisses you off.

As he's handing all of the paperwork to the receptionist, the man laughs and says something in English to Kisaki that you don't understand. Kisaki smiles like the true asshole he is and looks over at you, pulling you close to his side.

"What did he say?" you ask quietly.

"He said I should take advantage of the night tonight. It is supposed to be the first night of our honeymoon alone together, after all," he hums carelessly.

You can feel what you believe to be anger boiling up inside of you, making your face feel as hot as the sun. You wish you could slap him right across the face and curse at him, but you can't, so you just laugh along and smile a bit awkwardly.

When you get outside, the two of you walk across the hospital's large campus. As you walk, thoughts swirl around your mind as to what you'd going to do now. The whole thing is over, or at least it should be, so why do you have to stay with him? You should really just make a run for it and explain to the nurse what's really going on. He's not armed, and he probably wouldn't run after you. He'd wait like the pretentious jerk he is for you to come crawling back- like you'd ever do that!

After you stop walking, Kisaki doesn't notice until he gets a few feet away. He silently turns around and waits for you to catch up. But instead, you stubbornly fold your arms and glare back at him like a pouting child.

"Give me one good reason I should go with you," you huff.

"I suppose I could say that you're in a new country with no cash or because you don't speak the language here... But I'll give you something better, something quite obvious: to start over."

"Start over with what?" you ask, a bit surprised by his response.

"We're in a new country," he hums merrily. "We can continue our businesses here where nobody knows our name."

"You fucking tried to kill me!" you shout.

With a stern glare, he stomps towards you and grabs you by the side of your shoulder at the juncture of your neck until you whine out at the pain.

"Don't say that out loud ever again," he barks.

"Why shouldn't I?!" you continue to protest. "I don't trust a single thing you say to me anymore. Besides, you're the one who told me I'm gullible!"

"You can be so stupid, Y/N," he scoffs as he lets go of you and pushes himself away. "I could have let you die back there, but I didn't. I saved your fucking life!"

Your eyes widen at the way he processed that whole situation. He shot you and told you he was going to kill you! Saving my life, my fucking ass! But it does leave you to wonder: Why did he save you if he said he was going to kill you and be the one to do so? Is he just waiting to finish the job here in America?!

"Why did you save my life then, as you put it? How come I'm not dead?!"

Kisaki sighs and hangs his head down, shaking it in disappointment. "Why do we need to have this conversation right here in the middle of a parking lot?"

"Because I'm not going anywhere with you until you explain what's going on!" you shout.

"Whatever, just chill out. I needed to make it look like you were dead so Toman wouldn't follow us here. This is all part of my plan, from when Kazutora tried to take you away to escaping with you and bringing you here," he admits.

Your head begins to pound as you attempt to wrap your brain around the whole situation. You don't know what or who to believe anymore. But then, Kisaki lifts his arm, extending his hand out for you to shake.

"We can really have a truce this time if you'd like," he tells you. "But this is the only time I'm offering it. Decline and you'll be stuck here alone. Accept and we can start over right here."

You're quite hesitant, but lift your hand with closed eyes as you cautiously accept his offer. Then, once the deal is done, you open your eyes and find Kisaki grinning.

"I've found a place that I've been staying at while you were in the hospital," he moves along like nothing's just happened. "You're welcome to stay with me for now, until you find your own place."

"Okay," you nod quietly.

Once you respond, he wraps his arm around your waist and guides you towards a white car. He opens the passenger side door and gently helps you in. You buckle yourself and stay quiet as he puts the car in reverse and drives out of the lot.

On your ride, you watch the signs in English flash by, mixed with palm trees, cars with different license plates, and people laughing and smiling- all of which makes you absolutely sick to your stomach.

Luckily, the drive isn't far which is probably intended, knowing Kisaki. And when the car stops and you've reached your destination of a ginormous-looking estate, Kisaki's the first to get out and uncharacteristically, once more, helps you out of the car.

When you get inside, he begins to show you around. You find your suitcase, the one Kazutora had packed for you, right by the front door as though it had been waiting for you all this time. You suppose Kisaki really did bring it for you, so he was planning all of this...

Kisaki holds out his hand to you, offering you to take it. "Need the bathroom?" he asks as the two of you walk down the hall.

"Yeah, if you don't mind," you reply dreamily as your eyes are too busy scanning the tall ceilings of the room.

Once you arrive down the hall and outside the bathroom, Kisaki tells you "I'll leave your suitcase right here. When you're done, you can bring your things to your room. You can choose wherever you want to stay, there are three rooms for you to choose from."

And with that, he takes his leave down the hallway back from where you had come from.

And with that, he takes his leave down the hallway back from where you had come from

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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now