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The Fire

It's been about two months since you left Toman. You did a pretty good job at disappearing and becoming practically unfindable. The only time you ever step outside is to change the hotel you're living in for a few nights as you finish whatever job you have lined up for yourself.

But to be honest, you are a bit frustrated with yourself for shooting Mikey and leaving in the manner you did. However, you remind yourself continuously that it was for the best. You're finally free and can do whatever you want- you don't have to work for Mikey and only for him.

Today you're walking down a road, staring down at your phone for the description of the request you received. You've got to do this quick and get yourself out of there. Sure, it's getting late and there aren't many people around as there would be during the day, but still- you don't want to stick around for long.

You walk around to the back side of the house you're targeting and kneel down behind a bush in the backyard to hide. Peering inside the kitchen, you find a man talking to a girl about your age.

That's him, you tell yourself as you gaze into the room at the older-looking blonde man who hugs the younger girl just before she turns around and runs upstairs. The man waves goodnight to her and walks into another room which you believe is a bathroom.

Shit, you think, I'm gonna have to kill this whole family. But, it's really not like you care- you're still getting paid so long as you finish off your main target.

Searching around the backyard, you find a grill and a tank of gasoline. You quickly snatch it up and slide open the back door of the house. Inside, you tip-toe towards the bathroom door where you quietly pour out the gasoline against the entrance. When you're done, you pull out a small piece of paper and a lighter from your pocket and light up the entrance of the bathroom.

Almost immediately, the walls catch on fire and you get out of there as quickly as you can. When you get back to the main road the house is on, a crowd gathers around the outside of the home. However, you ignore them as you begin to walk away, but stop when the growing warmth catches your attention, too.

"A fire?" a woman gasps.

"What's with that smoke?"

As you spin around to face the crowd, a man around your age catches your eye and looks towards the house with a worried expression on his face.

"That area..." he whispers to himself just before dropping his backpack and bolting towards the house on fire.

You run after him, hoping that he doesn't rush into the house and save the one you're targeting. You reach for your gun as you chase after him, only for you to slow down and take your hand away when you approach the crowd around the house.

"Uh, are you alright?" you casually ask an older lady so as to not look out of place.

"Yes," she replies with her hand over her mouth as water swells in her eyes, "but there was a family in there. The Inui family."

You turn your attention back to the house only to find the whole thing engulfed in flames. And once again, the black-haired man from before steals your attention. He begins to run into the flaming house, ignoring everyone who yells after him to turn back.

Finally, all the tension building up in your body releases- he's as good as dead. There's no way he's going to be coming back out alive while the entire house is lit up like that. So, you turn your back to the burning heat radiating from the house and walk away. It's amazing, you think, that the smallest action like your lighting a piece of paper on fire, could make such a big impact.

As you leave, an ambulance arrives alongside a firetruck and a few police cars. You then hear shouting, like cheering, followed by the sounds of coughing and footsteps running. You gaze back at the scene and through the crowd see the crazy man who ran into the fire come out with a person in his arms.

Shit! you think to yourself as you completely freeze in place. However, as the person is placed down on the ground, it's revealed to you that the son of your target was rescued. You let out a breath of relief and this time finally leave the scene. So long as your target is dead you really don't care what happens to anyone else. However, to save your own skin you need to get the hell out of there before the police or someone else recognizes you.

When you get home, you shut the hotel door and immediately rummage through your phone to your website and mark your job as complete. Thankfully, five million yen rolls right into your account instantly.

With a smile, you relax against the comfortable bed of the expensive hotel you're staying in and switch on the television as you sink under the covers. You flip through the channels until a burnt-down house catches your gaze.

"A father of two sadly passed away last night, but thanks to the acts of one brave man, the father's son has come out unscathed!" the news reporter's annoying voice says with a smile as though they could care less about the man whose life you just took.

"Well, at least I got that Inui guy. I'm sure the kids'll be fine," you shrug before continuing to flip through the channels again.

You stop when you find a movie, but hardly pay any attention as your eyes begin to betray you. Soon, you're fast asleep after a long day of planning and avoiding death. A long day, but totally worth the five million...

 A long day, but totally worth the five million

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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now