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The Talk

"Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three," you count in a whisper as you sit beside your desk, going through the money you had previously received the day before and placing it all in neat piles.

Just then, your door bursts open and your whole body jumps. You look across the room with narrowed eyes as Kazutora walks in and jumps onto your bed with his shoes on.

"Ugh, are you kidding me?" you groan. "At least take those off!"

"Oops, sorry," he hums through the lollipop in his mouth as he kicks his shoes off onto the floor.

You sigh at his behavior. "So what's so important that you needed to barge in here for?"

Kazutora pulls out his phone and quietly searches through it. A moment later he flips it around to show you a poor-quality image of Mikey.

"Are you still trying to get back with Toman?" you sigh. "Mikey seemed pretty adamant about hating your ass."

"No," he scoffs. "But I will admit that they are trying to come after you."

"Don't be ridiculous," you roll your eyes. "You saw the way I left them behind. The only thing they'd want from me is my head and I'd like to keep that for the time being if you don't mind. Besides, it's been months and I haven't seen them since the incident. I'm not worried about running into them anytime soon..."

"Really?" Kazutora pries as he tilts his head to the side, "'Cause you should be."

"Talking to you is useless," you sigh. "Why do you think I should be so concerned?"

"They're about to start making their move," he grins.

"And how would you know that?"

"Mmm," he shrugs. "I have my ways."

You cross your arms as you shake your head at his ridiculousness. "What do you think I should do about it then, hm? Fight them? Kill Mikey 'cause it's 'all his fault'?"

Kazutora laughs weakly at your shitty joke before narrowing his eyes in disapproval and taking out his red lollipop to frown more clearly at you.

"You need to get the hell out of here before they find you," he hums as though he was pleased in himself for coming up with that.

"And what about you? Don't they want you, too? You going to come with me?" you ask carelessly.

"No," he shrugs as he inserts his lollipop back in his mouth. Once again, he turns on his phone and shows you the horrible-quality picture of Mikey. "This was taken just a few blocks away, Y/N. He's getting close to your location. And from what I remember, you used to move around a lot before this, right? There was a reason for that, wasn't there?"

"Don't be such an idiot, Hanemiya," you scoff as you tear your eyes off the image. "I don't have any reason to leave. Besides, I can fight my own battles so I don't need to run away."

"Then why were you doing that for the past two and a half months before we found you?" he scoffs.

"That was different!" you retort a bit louder than you meant for it to sound as your emotions get the better of you. "Besides, I wasn't running away! I was staying hidden."

"Be reasonable," he interrupts. "We're only trying to help you, Y/N. You're part of us now and we don't want to see you get hurt... Ya know, outside of the scam. And I did save your life, after all."

"Hm? That was you yesterday?" you say with widening eyes. Poor Kazutora's done nothing but try to help you out, so why are you always fighting with him?

"Yeah, well-"

"But Kisaki said he didn't know anything about that shot. How come you didn't tell-"

Just then, with horrible timing, there's a knock on your already opened door. Looking over, you find Kisaki standing there with a frown on his face.

"Oh, hey," you smile. "Come in. We were just talking about yesterday."

"And I was telling Y/N about Toman," Kazutora adds. "Uh, explaining that Mikey was nearby and all that."

Kisaki nods as he walks towards you, still donning his frown. "Y/N," he says once he stands on the other side of your desk from you. "Do you think you could spare a moment? Alone."

The two of you look over at Kazutora who stiffens up. "Eh? You want to talk to her without me? What'd I do?" he asks. However, Kisaki doesn't grant him a response.

"Fine," he grumbles as he hops up from your bed and collects his shoes. "Y/N, if you need anything, you know where I am."

"Yeah," you smile. "Thanks."

Once Kazutora leaves, Kisaki relaxes and sits down at the very corner of your bed.

"What's going on?" you ask worriedly. "What's up with you and Kazutora."

Kisaki scoffs and tosses you a folded piece of paper from his pocket. When you unfold it, you find a screenshot of text messages between Kazutora and Takemichi, including a line where Kazutora explains everything about the Black Dragon scam and another where Takemichi asks Kazutora to do whatever it takes to keep you alive.

"Well, this is a good thing, right?" you ask as you look up at Kisaki. "Takemitchy seems like he's on our side."

"No way," Kisaki groans. "I don't have the rest of the proof on me right now but Takemitchy has been Kazutora's 'in' with Toman since you left. However, their only goal is to have you go running back to Mikey, not to keep you with me."

"Okay..." you quietly continue. "So then... what are we going to do?"

"We get the hell out of here."

"Not you, too," you grumble. "Kazutora was just saying the same thing. Maybe that's what Toman wants us to do."

Kisaki lifts his hand to his face and pinches the sides of his nose. "No," he explains. "Kazutora's all fucked up. He doesn't know what side he's on. He wants to help us but he's still got that stupid loyalty to Toman since all his old friends are there. I don't know what to do with him."

"Fine then," you say as you sit up a bit taller in your seat. "I'm in. Let's just leave. If we don't tell Kazutora, then they can't come after us."

"So you want to run?" he asks hesitantly.

"I want my location to be protected. I don't like having my security compromised."

"Alright," he nods as he looks down at his phone. "Be ready. I'll update you when the time has come."


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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now