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The Escapee

After scanning the dark room for anything you could use to help you escape, you find a beer bottle on the ground just a little ways off in the corner. You scoot your body as best you can while still stuck in the chair over towards it. Once it's in your reach, you smash it against the ground and reach around blindly until you grab a piece.

"Ouch," you curse quietly as you accidentally cut your hand with one of the pieces. But you don't pay much mind to the relatively small injury as you're too busy staying quiet to make sure that neither Kazutora nor Kisaki hear you and are making a run in your direction.

Once you've deemed it safe, you begin to cut through the rope on your wrists. Then, when you're free, you're able to wiggle yourself out of the other restraints and kick your feet out of the ropes on your ankles.

As you push yourself away from the chair, you grab onto the neck of the broken glass bottle and carry it with you as you run towards the entryway of the room. There, you stop and press your back against the wall. While catching your breath, you peek around the corner to make sure nobody is nearby. Luckily, it's completely empty and you make your way through.

Room by room you run around the completely abandoned building which is more like a maze than anything else. And it doesn't look like anyone has been in this place for quite some time- weeds and vines are growing in the spots where the sunlight hits.

Eventually having enough, you walk over to one of the wood-covered windows and tear off the planks. When you're met with the bright sun, you cower like a vampire as you're instantly blinded. But once you adjust and are able to look out, you find that you're right in the middle of the city, a strange fact that you weren't expecting.

You then give up all hope that Kisaki's still around. After all, he probably left thinking that you were all tied up so they didn't need to stick around and babysit you the whole time.

A few minutes later you find a door beside one of the boarded-up windows and sigh. Finally, you've found your way out of the building. You quickly rush towards it and cautiously open it, finding yourself in a small side alley that leads out towards the main road. You look both ways before stepping out and making your way towards the street. However, right when you get there, the tall figure of none other than your target appears right in front of you.

You grip tightly to your broken glass bottle, but just as you lift it up to whack him with it, he slaps a pink rag over your mouth and pushes you up against the brick wall of the building in the alleyway. You hit the wall with a thud and the air is forced out of your lugs the same way your bottle is forced out of your hand and shatters into a million little pieces on the ground.

You struggle against him until your eyes meet with his and you realize his face is practically right on top of yours. His rough expression softens when he realizes this, too, and his grip with the rag on your mouth loosens. You're caught off guard at the unexpected moment, unable to move and only stare back in bewilderment. However, you're still able to use the brief moment to take in a sharp breath of air now that you aren't suffocating.

"Why do you have to be so difficult," he sighs.

As he speaks, your eyes drop to the frown he so casually carries on his lips each time he sees you, but as your mind wanders, all you can think of is how if he moved his hand his lips would be just a few inches away from yours.

"Just doing my job," you cough out before he pushes back against your mouth and nose once again. However, right as he does you suck in a breath and reach your hand towards his neck, using just enough force to get him to stumble back. He shouldn't be an idiot and just realize already that you're a trained assassin- he's not going to get you to submit that easily.

Kisaki places his hand on your wrist as his expression darkens once again. "You shouldn't fight back, Y/N," he chokes out.

"Why the hell not? I've just got the upper hand," you smirk.

"'Cause, stupid, you're about to pass out and you wouldn't want to get hurt when your body falls limp on the ground."

"If I pass out then I'll pass out. It's not like you're gonna catch me," you scoff as you tighten your grip around his neck.

"Maybe if you aren't so rude I'll save you before you crack your head open," he says, choking out a laugh.

"How can I be rude if I'm unconscious," you quip, becoming a bit delirious as you continue talking to him. You should just choke him out already! How can he still even talk!? And all Kisaki does in response is roll his eyes which only pisses you off even more.

"What the hell is your infatuation with keeping me here anyway!" you shout.

"Don't you listen to anything I say to you? I said I wanted to talk but it's a bit unfair how much of a goddamn brat you are. I have to wait for you to become more reasonable to talk to so you can hear me out but it doesn't seem like you give a single shit about that."

Of course you don't! You've got one job to do and he keeps repeatedly ruining that for you, that asshole!

"Why would I want to hear what you have to say!" you snap.

"You'll find out once you calm the hell down," he replies angrily.

You want to yell at him and choke him to death so badly, but life, unfortunately, has other plans as your hand slips from his neck and your eyelids begin to get heavy. You can feel your body beginning to fall until two large arms wrap around your body just before you hit the ground.

Mission failed, yet again.

Mission failed, yet again

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{THE ASSASSIN'S BETRAYAL} Kisaki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now