Chapter 14

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James' POV

It had been a week.

A long, tension filled week. Leona found every opportunity to ignore me and it was wearing on me. I hadn't realized that sleeping without her could cause me to lose so much sleep.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I leaned back in my office chair. I was so distracted at work and all my work was building up. I wouldn't be able to really relax until Christina was gone and Leona would talk to me again.

My door opened and I silently groaned when Christina walked in. "Yes, Christina?"

She was beautiful, I'll admit that. Her dark hair and almost grayish eyes gave her a very exotic look. "I came to talk to you before my transfer goes through."

"What do you have to say?" I really didn't have patience for her. She's the reason my fiancee isn't talking to me. She's the reason I'm sleeping in a stupid guest bedroom right now.

"I just want to ask why. Why is it that me, who've you known for years couldn't have you? This girl came out of nowhere and all of a sudden, you're engaged. I don't understand it! I've tried for so long to get you to want me!"

"Be careful how you talk about 'that girl' because she's my fiancee. I have no obligation to explain anything to you. So, please close the door behind you on the way out."

"I love you, James!" Chris had tears in her eyes and I felt in a pinch in my heart. I hated when females cried and I'd thought of Christina as a good friend at one point.

"I'm sorry, Chris. I love her." That seemed to be enough for her to get the idea. She took a deep breath and turned to leave. She paused at the door before leaving. She spoke without turning around.

"It's been a pleasure working with you, Jamesy boy." I chuckled at her old nickname for me.

"The pleasure is all mine, Chris." Once she left, I didn't feel the urge to do anymore work, so I decided to pack up and go home. It was one of Leona's off days, so I knew she was working on the wedding.

Hopefully I could help her now.

I whistled the whole way home, ready to see my Lee. "Leona, I'm home!" I walked into the living room and noticed all the wedding stuff out. It seems that Leona had been actively working on getting the invitations together.

I looked further into the room, and I froze. I felt my blood boiling at the sight in front of me.

Leona was laying on the couch in a tank top and shorts with her feet in another man's lap. He was massaging her swollen feet.

My job.

She had her eyes closed and she was moaning softly.

Moans only for me to hear.

"What the hell?" Leona's eyes eyes snapped open and she smiled at me.

"You're home early." She didn't look one bit guilty. The man looked at me with a knowing tinkle in his eyes.

"Yea, I am home early. Who's your friend?" I didn't mean to sound as hostile as I did. Or maybe I did mean to sound like that.

"Jamie, this is Isaac. Isaac, this is James." I walked over and held my hand out for Isaac to shake. I purposely shook his hand hand and firm.

Let him know not to mess with my girl.

"Nice to meet you, man." He turned back to Leona. "Hey Leenie, I think I'm going to head out now." She nodded and hugged him quickly.

"Thanks for helping me Izzy." He grabs his keys and nods to me as he passes by. I wait until he's gone before I talk to Leona again.

"Where'd you meet him?"

"At the cafe. So how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"

"Seeing your fiancee with another person all over them. Sucks, doesn't it?"

I nodded. It does suck.

I picked Leona up and she squealed in my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'm going to show you how jealous I was. I don't appreciate any man's hands on your body except for mine."

"Mmm my jealous ceo."

"You damn right. I'm a jealous man, Ms. Davis. A very jealous man."

"I guess it's good that I'm a jealous woman too, huh?" I smirked and laid her down on the bed. I felt like a predator about to devour his prey.

And I was.

I pulled down Lee's shorts and left her bare womanhood in my face. "It's a really good thing."


Leona's POV

I groaned and tucked my face more into James' bare chest as my beeper went off. I felt my body protesting, which made no sense.

We didn't have sex, but I guess the muscle spasms from my numerous orgasms put a strain on me.

I can't complain.

"Jamie, I got to go into the office. They're calling for a premature birth." He groaned but picked up his arm to release me from his comfortable warmth.

"Be safe, pretty lady." He mumbled into the pillow. I put on my pregnancy work clothes and got ready to leave for the office. I saw that James was already back in a deep sleep, but I didn't blame him.

It was 1 in the morning after a really stressful day.

I drove to the office and parked getting mentally prepared to deliver this baby. "Leona?" I froze at the voice.

There was no way-

"Forgot about your mother already?"


Hey guys! I know this chapter isn't the longest. I apologize for it.

Anyway tell me what you guys think!

Pic of Christina in this chap :)

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Love you guys! :P

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