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Despite most of her friends already having gone before her, Ash was still shaking badly as she bowed to the other Olympians before coming to kneel at the foot of Hades' makeshift throne. The hall had gone a little extra quiet as she cautiously raised her head to meet his gaze, a bit surprised and a lot gratified to see a proud smile on the Lord of the Dead's face. At his side, both his son and wife beamed.

"My dear Asphodel. I have watched you grow, guided you through this life for nearly a decade now, so when I speak, I do so in complete and utter confidence. No hero has brought more honor, more glory to the Underworld in over a millennia. You are our champion, and I commend you for all you have done in the name of not only your realm, but Olympus as well. Together, my son, my daughter..." he looked down at her and Nico tenderly, oh gods, Ash was tearing up again, "you are the Underworld's pride and joy. I am proud to have you bear our legacy."

It looked like Nico was having a hard time keeping it together too as Hades reached down to briefly grasp his hand before continuing to address the older half-blood. "But I know, sweet girl, how heavily this burden has weighed on you. Holding Death in your hands is not easy. However, I'll remind you, as Pan did once, of life's balance, and I trust you to remember it well. My love?"

Persephone leaned forward, taking Ash's face delicately in her hands, and pressed a slow, loving kiss to the girl's forehead. Ash was too stunned to move, to speak, and her eyes fluttered shut briefly as she felt vibrant energy radiate from the spot where the goddess of spring's lips met her skin. A glowing feeling ran through her body like warm rain, projecting faintly around her in a gentle pink light before soaking into her body. Ash shivered and looked up to meet her patron goddesses' grass-green eyes.

"Spring represents rebirth, life, growth, and now, so shall you. My beautiful flower, do you accept my blessing?" Persephone continued to cradle Ash's head in her hands as the girl nodded slowly, pulling away to smile beatifically before taking Hades' hand in her own. "Henceforth, you shall be my daughter in all but blood, receiving a portion of my power as well as all of my love."

Ash was crying unabashedly by this point, tears streaming down her face like a river after a storm. "Th-thank you, m-my lady, I-I..."

Persephone raised a hand. "I do believe we're not finished. Husband?"

Hades nodded, and if possible, Ash cried even harder. He looked a little out of his depth as he awkwardly patted the shoulder of the demigod blubbering in front of him. She sniffed loudly and wiped her eyes as he began to speak. "We have one final reward for the daughter of my faithful lieutenant Thanatos. The fervent wish for a long, joyful life, and the promise that from the day she dies until forevermore, she will have a place at my court as Lady Asphodel of the Fields, to oversee the domain for which she was named, and for which she has already done remarkable work."

Ash was gaping in absolute shock and awe as her friends finally broke and starting yelling at the top of their lungs. She stammered out thank you after thank you as Hades bid her to rise, Nico laughing tearfully and standing with her as she engulfed all three of them into a hug. For a moment, the little family held each other; Ash just wished her father could be there too to celebrate with them, but he'd never been invited to Olympus before... The others in the room, particularly Hades' siblings, looked on in surprised disbelief, seeing the House of Hades in a completely different light for the first time in centuries. After a minute or so, Ash rejoined her friends, still in a complete tizzy and tripping over her own feet as they welcomed her with claps on the back. She still hadn't fully returned to her body when another voice commanded the hall's attention.

"PERCY JACKSON!" Poseidon announced.

This time, all talking died down. All of it. The room was completely silent except for the crackle of the hearth fire. Everyone's eyes were on Percy, but his were on Ash as she smiled reassuringly albeit a bit dazedly, squeezing his hand before he began to step forward. First he bowed to Zeus, then he knelt at his father's feet.

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