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Despite being the one who had gotten the least sleep, Ash ended up being the most prepared the next morning, probably because of all the extra time she had not sleeping. She packed her backpack and perfectly organized it, said goodbye to everyone she needed to (having lived at camp forever, that was a fair amount of people), and even put together a cute outfit, which she was most proud of (AN: pretend that's a camp sweatshirt). Ash had a secret weakness for jewelry that the Stolls unashamedly fed through thievery (which was bad, yes, but also kind of sweet), so she had several gold necklaces dangling from her neck, earrings in all three of her piercings, and a plethora of rings. She was the first one at the designated meeting spot at the top of Half Blood Hill, and even stopped by the dining pavilion to snag a magic goblet so when her three questmates showed up looking sleepy, there was hot coffee waiting. They passed the cup around as they waited for Chiron to come and send them off, checking to make sure they had all the necessities.

Percy was holding the ambrosia, nectar, and money (Ash and Annabeth both questioned whether this was the best idea). Annabeth had her invisibility cap, knife, and a book, while Grover had his fake feet, reed pipes, and snacks. Finally, Ash had her sword, concealed in a chunky ring on her right finger, and twin daggers strapped to her waist, covered by her sweater.

A few minutes later, Chiron came wheeling towards them accompanied by Argus, camp's head of security, who he explained would drive them into the city.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on us, Argus," Ash grinned, causing Annabeth to smack the back of her head and Argus to roll every eye visible on his body.

Suddenly, Luke came running up behind them.

"Glad I caught you! I almost forgot," he panted, brandishing a pair of basketball shoes.

"Just wanted to say good luck," Luke directed at Percy. "And I thought... um, maybe you could use these." As he handed Percy the sneakers, he demonstrated the magic word, "Maia!"

Wings sprouted out of the heels, startling Percy so much, he dropped them.

"Awesome!" Grover said.

Luke smiled. "These served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days..." His expression turned a bit sad.

"Hey, man," Percy said. "Thanks."

"Listen, Percy..." Luke said uncomfortably. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just... kill some monsters for me, okay?"

Ash smiled gently at the pair as they shook hands. Luke turned to Ash and grinned.

"I know we already said our goodbyes," he started, then suddenly reached out to hook an arm around her neck, giving her a hard noogie. "But this is for stealing my sweatshirt when I wasn't looking."

Ash laughed, batting him away and ignoring the weird looks Percy and Annabeth were sending them. "Mine now," she responded.

"Good luck, lil sis," he said, dapping her up. "Don't die."

"Yes, sir!" she saluted.

Luke patted Grover on the head and gave Annabeth a parting hug before jogging back down the hill. Ash and Percy both sideyed the daughter of Athena, who looked like she was about to pass out.

"You're hyperventilating," Percy pointed out. Ash rolled her eyes; it wasn't that she didn't approve of Luke per say, it was just the fact that he was, you know, super over-age?

"Am not." Annabeth said defensively.

"You let him capture the flag instead of you, didn't you?"

"Oh my gods," Ash said, looking back on the event with a smirk. "You totally did."

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