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Ash's world had narrowed to the space right in front of her, her sword, and the tingling feeling at the back of her neck. For once, she was grateful for her powers; not only did they make it possible to take down the skeleton warriors with a single touch, but they also had the handy dandy feature of letting her know when she was about to die. So every time she felt that little tingle, she simply shadow traveled away.

After what seemed like hours but was probably only a few minutes, she finally got reprieve.

"Cease," Hades spoke, and immediately all of the guards backed off. She'd taken out more than half of them. "You've improved greatly, girl. I dare say I might be proud of you."

Holding her side where a bayonet had grazed her and panting heavily, Ash stared up at her patron god, unable to speak.

"You have two minutes to explain yourself before my mercy expires."

Taking a long, gasping breath, Ash dropped to one knee. "Lord Hades, I swear to you, neither I nor Percy had anything to do with the disappearance of your helm or the master bolt. Nor did I believe for a second that you were responsible for instigating this conflict. I have reason to think there are other forces at play."

Ash explained their interaction with Ares, the dreams her and Percy had been having, and what had happened just before the group arrived at the palace. Hades' face grew grim as he took in the information.

Finishing her story, the daughter of Thanatos looked up. "You know I am eternally grateful to you for taking me in all these years. In many ways, I owe you my life. I would never do anything to betray you or jeopardize the integrity of our realm."

A loaded silence ensued. Ash kept her eyes trained at the neck of Hades' robe, holding her ground yet showing deference at the same time.

Hades sighed deeply. "Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera," he called. The three Furies immediately alighted on the back of his throne. "Follow the Jackson boy. See what becomes of him. Do not return until you have information on my helm."

In streaks of black, the Furies disappeared to the surface. Hades stood and came before Ash, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Perhaps I was too hasty. One can never be too cautious when it comes to my brothers."

"I understand, my lord," Ash murmured. That was as close to an apology as a god would ever give a half-blood.

"Rise," he commanded, and she did.

Sighing again, Hades reclaimed his throne, but this time the god's defenses were lowered. He slouched, pinching the bridge of his nose, and muttered curses under his breath.

"You have guessed, I suppose, what stirs in the depths of Tartarus."

"Kronos," Ash said in a voice barely above a whisper. "The king of Titans."

"My father," Hades said bitterly. "Smart girl."

He gave her a weak smile. "But that is a problem for another time. Come, tell me how goes your training. This is your first prophesied quest, is it not?"

With a flick of his wrist, a squishy black armchair and a small bottle of nectar appeared on the dais next to his throne. This was the Hades that Ash knew and no one saw. Cynical, stern, quick to anger, yes, but also loyal, protective, and caring in his own way. This was the Hades the goddess of springtime loved, this was the Hades who helped train and look after her during her stays in the Underworld. This was the Hades that the rest of his siblings, because of prejudice and fear and misunderstanding, did not allow him to be.

Curling up in her seat, Ash told the god more about what they had faced on the quest, what skills she had been using and practicing. The god filled her in on what she'd missed in the Underworld and her fathers' whereabouts. Apparently he was meeting with some minor deity Ash didn't quite catch the name of. A-new... a new something.

Hades was just gathering steam on a rant about traffic at the gates when the Furies returned. Both his and Ash's eyes widened as they saw what Alecto was carrying in her claws.

Reverently handing the Helm of Darkness to its rightful owner, Alecto explained what they had witnessed. Ash didn't know whether she wanted to laugh or cry when she heard that Percy had challenged Ares and won. What a mad lad.

"It appears Jackson was telling the truth. However, I fear this bodes more problems than it solves." Hades heaved a great sigh and leaned back in his chair, deep in thought.

After a few minutes, Ash cleared her throat. The implications of Ares' betrayal were grave, but there was a more pressing issue to deal with. "I believe you have something to return, Lord Hades." She looked pointedly at the still-frozen form of Sally Jackson.

The god started. "Ah, yes. I assume I can trust you to deliver her safely?"

Ash rose and bowed. "Of course, my lord."

Hades snapped his fingers, and the woman was released. With a deep, shuddering breath, Sally Jackson's eyes flew open.

"Hey, hey, I've got you," Ash said, catching her before she crumpled to the ground.

"W-what... where..." The woman's eyes were wide with confusion and panic.

"I'm a friend of Percy's. I'm going to take you home, okay?" Ash told her.

The only thing Sally could do was nod. She was beginning to hyperventilate, and Ash knew any more time spent in the Underworld would not be good for the mortal. She looked once more to the god of the dead.

"Thank you, Lord Hades."

He nodded sharply. "I will see you next spring as usual."

Ash smiled widely and nodded back. With that, she grasped Sally Jackson firmly and closed her eyes. It was time to return to the land of the living.


Percy had never been so happy to see his mother or unhappy to see his step-dad in his life. After his conversation with Zeus and his real father on Mount Olympus, he'd hightailed it downtown to their apartment to be greeted by a huge, bone-crushing hug from the one and only Sally Jackson.

And then of course Gabe had to ruin it by being an asshole.

Before Percy could lunge at him and make good use of all the new skills he'd picked up at camp, his mom pulled him into his room. His anger was replaced by surprise; a lot had changed. For one thing, his bedroom was now covered in Gabe's stuff. For another, there was a passed-out demigod snoring on his bed.

"Ash!" He exclaimed and ran over to her side. He brushed some hair out of her face tenderly, an action that wasn't missed by his mother, and then turned back, question in his eyes.

She was smiling a bit. "Oh, ah, your friend here brought me back from... wherever I was. I'm not sure how she did it, really, but we just... appeared in the kitchen this morning. Scared the shit out of Gabe. It seemed to take a lot out of the poor girl; she's been sleeping ever since."

They talked some more, Percy telling her about his quest, Gabe interjecting with slimy yells from the other room. He had just about had it when he noticed one box that was distinctly not Gabe's sitting in the corner.

He gave this box to his mother. Let her decide what to do with it. Perhaps the rooftop garden of their apartment building would be getting some new statuary. Then he gently shook Ash awake. Bleary-eyed, the girl yawned up at him and blinked, not fully processing what she was seeing. Then she threw herself into his arms, blabbering about never fighting a god without her again and what the Hades happened while I was gone and I'm glad you're safe.

With a huge smile on his face, Percy broke the embrace and held out a hand.

"Come on, Angel, let's go home."

Taisho Secret
At the end of their conversation after Percy had returned Zeus's master bolt, Poseidon happened to mention that he was fond of Sour Patch Kids, particularly the blue and green ones.

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