Too Late

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43177 was his license plate. The masked man stared at me oddly. He must've recognized it a bit. The masked man pulled his phone out, and dialed in a number. He walked out of the building. "Jae Ho," I whispered, as I reached for my back pocket. Jae Ho stared at me, with droopy eyes. "Sorry Youngjae.. I need to tell you," he said. I sighed. "I know, you're a girl, and that your dad was the CEO of AhnHee," I said. Jae Ho looked at me, surprised. "How did you..," he said. I glared at him, and pulled my dead phone out of my pocket. "Your name is Jae Hee, isn't it?" I asked. Jae Ho, or should I say Jae Hee, nodded. I smacked my phone against the back of my chair. After several times, I heard a crack. I needed a lot more than a crack. I gave one final smash on the chair. Clink! I heard my phone's screen fall. I scanned my hands against my phone. Ow. I cut my finger, which was a good and bad thing. I gripped the glass, and wiggled it. I could feel a lot of blood dripping down my hands. I heard the door slightly open. I urgently wiggled out the piece of glass, and dropped my phone. I had a small piece of glass in my hand. I just hoped it was enough to cut. I started sawing the string, tying me to the chair. The door popped open. The masked man, ran into the room, and grabbed the plastic bag. He pulled out a gasoline barrel. He lined the area around me and Jae Hee. Then he threw wood beside us. "Bye," he said, lighting a match. He flicked it in the gasoline pile and walked away. "Youngjae..," I heard Jae Hee cry. "I need to tell you one more thing." I continued cutting. My hand was aching now. "I bet you think I'm the heir of AhnHee..," she said, in a dissappionted tone. Almost there.. I thought. "The real heir is dead," she said. I jumped out from the chair. Freed. I thought. Then I saw the flames. They were running towards us. "J-Jae Hee," I stuttered. I heard sirens coming. They're too late, I thought.

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