Starting Today..

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"Arghhh," I groaned. I rubbed my eyes, feeling a stiff feeling in my right arm. My cheekbones felt weak and bruised. I used my left arm to touch my right arm. It was dry, hard, and bumpy. I opened my eyes, taking a clear look at my arm. It was covered in a white cast. I used my left hand to help me sit up. I looked around the room, and noticed I was in a hospital. "Awe..," I said, in a disappointed tone. "Yeah, I agree," a voice said. I quickly turned over, pretending to be asleep. I bit my lip in pain, my bruised cheek was resting on my hard bumpy cast. "Well, I just hope we don't get in trouble," someone said, as the door opened. "I doubt it," the different voice replied. It was Yugyeom and Jr. who had entered my room. "Wow, how can he still sleep?" Jr. said, in a fascinated voice. Yugyeom chuckled, and set something on a table or counter. I pretended to turn over on the bed. "Well, I'm going to try to wake him up," Jr. said. Yugyeom shrugged and followed Jr.. I tried to relax my body trying to make it look like I was asleep. "WAKE UP!" Jr. and Yugyeom yelled. I jumped up, more startled than I expected. "Stupid, we knew you were awake this WHOLE time," Yugyeom said, punching me in the shoulder. "What happened?" I asked, sitting myself up. "You and Mark crashed into eachother," Jr. said, in an annoyed tone. "I KNOW that, but what's with this?" I asked, pointing to my cast. "What ELSE? You broke it when you fell," Jr. said. Oh..well that was obvious, I thought. Yugyeom smiled at me. "You also fractured your cheek bones, and sprained your wrist, AND cracked your head open," he said, in a worried tone. I gasped. "CRACKED my head on stage?!" I gasped.
"Yes. On stage."
"Liar," I scoffed. Yugyeom and Jr. burst out laughing. "Yeah? Everything, BUT cracking your head actually happened," Yugyeom said. I nodded, then remembered something important. "How's Mark?" I asked, sitting up more straightly. "Oh, he's not even in the hospital," Jr. said. I nodded, as Yugyeom moved towards a small table with a plastic bag.
"Want some?" he asked, as he pulled out some Banana Milk. I nodded, waving him towards me. "When you two hit eachother, you fell flat on your face and knocked out. Mark was fine, except for his twisted ankle," Jr. explained, as I took small sips of the Banana Milk. Jr. and Yugyeom started talking about how JYP said I had to stay in the hospital for a good two more days. As I listened, I realized something. I hadn't felt any weird feeling from either of them... MAYBE. I WASN'T GAY ANYMORE!!!! I bet it's because I like that one girl, I thought. So, starting today, I'm only delivering my feelings to that girl!

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