Boring Chapter

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I got up, and slapped my lips. H-He kissed me.. I thought. The boy quickly turned over, and threw the blankets over him. I pinched my lips, staring at him. "I'm back," the doctor said. I nodded, and took a seat. The whole time the doctor explained something, I didn't listen. I just thought. Wow. He kissed me. Wow. I'm gay again. Wow.... "Okay?" the doctor asked. I nodded. "Okay, sure," I said, staring at the doctor's name tag. "You may go now," the doctor said. I got up, and wandered out of the room. "Youngjae!" JB called. I turned around, with a bland expression. "Woah, what happened to you," Bambam said. Yugyeom nudged Bambam, and Bambam pressed his lips again. JB began to lecture me again, and I just stood and listened. "You got it?" he snapped. I nodded, staring at the ground. Wow. I'm gay. Wow. He kissed me. I thought. "Okay then lets go," Yugyeom insisted, as he and Bambam headed towards the elevator. I followed after them. Wow. I think I'm in love..

"Hi guys!" Jackson sang, as JB walked into the living room. Yugyeom and Bambam scurried into their rooms, and closed the door. I wandered into the bathroom. "Wow, you're soaked!" Jackson said, with a spatula in his hand. I stopped. I'm soaked.. I thought. He's soaked.. OH MY GOD. The fortune cookie from earlier said something about my love being soaked. It had said: Your love is soaking in rain. Was my love that boy? I thought. I locked the door, and undressed. I jumped into the shower and showered.

"Come eat!" Jackson said. Bambam and Yugyeom scurried into the kitchen. Mark and I walked towards the kitchen. "Uh Mark?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yeah?" he asked. I stared at the ground. "How do you know you like someone?"
Mark stared at me. "Are you feeling okay?' he asked, slightly grinning. Damn it. It didn't seem like he was taking me seriously. "Youngjae-shhi you want eggs or curry?" Jackson asked me. He was still in his boxers and muscle shirt. He wore a pink frilled apron. "Curry," I said, glumly. Jackson scooped a spoonful of curry, and poured it into a bowl. "Here ya go," he said, handing me the bowl. I took the bowl and sat by the wall and Bambam. I sadly slurped the curry. Wow. He kissed me. Wow. I'm gay. "Hey.. Are you okay?" JB asked me. I looked up at him, and shook my head. I just got kissed, why would I be okay? I thought. JB bit his lip, and whispered something in Jr.'s ear. Jr. smacked him, and giggled, I stared down at my curry. Jackson crept between me and Bambam. "Here," he said, dropping rice into my curry. The rice made a smiley face at me. I frowned at it. "Sorry," Bambam suddenly said. Everyone looked at him. "We spied on you.. and told JB you were at the hospital," Bambam confessed. I just looked at my curry. Then started laughing. "You think I'm sad 'cause JB scolded me?" I asked, with a grin. Bambam nodded. " it's not that," I said. Afterwards we continued dinner normally.

I opened my eyes. It was still dark out, but I didn't think I could sleep anymore. I opened my laptop and finished my presentation. The boy's sweaty jaw line kept replaying in my head. Then our kiss did too. I couldn't believe it. I looked at my phone, 3 o' clock. I got out of bed, and got into sweat pants and a sweater. I slipped into my running shoes and started jogging at the park. After a good twenty minutes, I took a seat near a tree and listened to music. Then Rae Hwa came up to me. She sat on the bench and drank some water from her water bottle. I didn't become flustered. My heart didn't thump either. I just stared glumly at the ground. "Do you wanna go out?" I suddenly asked. Rae Hwa turned to me, surprised. She had headphones on. "What'd you say?" she asked, as she took off her headphones. Damn it.. I thought. "Nothing..," I said, as I got up. I continued to jog.

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