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"Are you sure?" I asked, eyeing him. Jae Ho nodded. I sighed. I couldn't tell if he was serious, but I couldn't drive, so I wouldn't be able to prove it. I bit my lip. "Can you try?" I asked. Jae Ho nodded. He set his foot on the pedals. VVVROOM! The car suddenly shot right out of the road. I abruptly turned to Jae Ho. His eyes were wide, and he kept staring down at the brakes. Repeatedly stepping on it. "J-Jae Ho!" I screamed, pointing to a tree. Jae Ho gasped, and stepped on the gas pedal again. We sped right past the tree, as he sharply turned the car. He gasped, and put his foot off the gas pedal. We were slowly driving down the hill. I stared at him, afraid. Jae Ho was urgently grabbing stuff from the car. "Okay.. Here..," he said, reaching to unfasten my seatbelt. I began to feel my face become hot. This was the first time in a month. He stared at me, confused. "Are you okay?" he asked, putting his hands on my face. I blushed, and nodded. Jae Ho nodded back. Then it was really awkward. He had his hands on my face... We both quickly pulled away. "U-Uh we have to get out of the car," he said, scratching his head. I nodded back. "Let me go out and check out it first," I insisted. Jae Ho sighed, and I got out of the car. It was okay, I guess. "Jae Ho.. its good," I called to him. Jae Ho nodded, and opened the door. Creakk.. I heard the car slowly creak. I stared at what was in front of it. Just a few bushes.. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket, ready to call the police. I looked at the battery. Dead. Jae Ho was hesitating to get out of the car, after hearing the creak. "I can't do it, Youngjae," he confessed. I scurried behind the car. "I'll help you," I insisted. Creakk.. Jae Ho dangled one foot over the ground. Creakk.. Then all of a sudden the car rolled down the hill. I saw Jae Ho's foot run over the bushes, then it climbed back into the car. I screamed Jae Ho's name, and saw the car fall.. into a LAKE. I scurried towards the lake. The car was sinking faster every time I looked at it. I reached the lake, and strided into the water. I wasn't going to make some stupid, dive. Not when this water was this shallow.. I began swimming, and realized the water wasn't as shallow as I thought. I suddenly panicked, and swam faster towards the car. "Jae Ho!" I cried, reaching a door. I pulled it open in the water. It seemed like forever when I opened it the widest. Jae Ho wasn't in the car. I rose to the air, and looked around. His body was floating right across from me. I quickly swam towards him. "Jae Ho!" I screamed, as I reached him. I didn't look at his face, I just pulled him out of the water. I looked at Jae Ho. His eyes were closed. I put my finger under his nose. Nothing.. I slowly put my ear on his chest. I suddenly jumped from him. Jae Ho..

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