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I was so excited. In two days, I'd be dismissed from the hospital. Maybe I could find her.. AND I'm SURE I'm not gay, because I like that girl. I quickly walked around my room, looking for my phone. Where is it? I thought. RING! RING! My phone was ringing somewhere. I scurried out of bed, looking under my bed, and in cabinets. It had stopped ringing when I found it. It was a call from Jackson. "What does he want?" I asked, curiously tapping the message icon. "Come down to the lobby, I forgot what room you were in." I laughed as I heard his message. What a dork. I grabbed my jacket that I was wearing when I was performing. I slung it over me, cause I was cold. I probably look dumb in a patient robe and a leather jacket, but I really didn't care at the moment. I hurried into the elevator. "Excuse me," I said, as I hustled into the elevator with another patient. The patient was a boy, about my age. "What floor are you going on?" he asked, with a soft voice. I was FLUSTERED. No, wait. I SHOULDN'T be flustered.. "What floor?" he asked, pointing to the buttons' for floors. "Oh, first floor," I said. He pressed the button with the number one on it, as the door closed. We waited together awkwardly for a long time. BANG! I felt a loud thud, and I quickly backed up into a corner, and held onto the edges. Then the lights blasted off. "W-What's going on?" the boy cried. I quietly, closed my eyes. "I think the elevator broke." I heard the boy's footsteps, move back and forth. Why is he moving in the dark? I thought, slightly annoyed. "Aren't we suppose to press some kind of button?" the boy cried. I tried to remember if there ACTUALLY was a button. "Uh, yeah," I said, just randomly agreeing. I heard the boy's hands feel around the walls of the elevator. Then they crept up on my face. WOAH. We both quickly retracted. "O-Oh Sorry," the boy cried. I could tell he was really embarrassed. I could feel my face getting hot..WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? I thought. "Uh, I think I found it," he suddenly said. I heard some rattling sounds, and then buttons being pressed. "Huh?" That's strange," he said. I looked over to a side, where his voice was loudest. "What's weird?" I asked. "Uh, I can't find the phone, but I know where the buttons are," he said. I furrowed my brow confused. Then he started laughing, really loud. "Nevermind, I think those were the elevator floor buttons." I groaned. He's stupid! I heard his clothes move around. "W-What're you doing?!" I cried. He's not taking his clothes off, is he? "I'm looking for my phone," I heard him say. OH. No duh. I bit my lips, and pinched myself. WHAT KIND OF PERSON WOULD THINK SOME ONE WOULD TAKE OFF THEIR CLOTHES? I cursed at myself in my head. "Here it is!" he cried. I saw the bright light, and quickly scurried towards him. A picture of me appeared on screen. He quickly tapped the screen, it changed to his phone. "Sorry," he said, in an ashamed tone. He punched in the numbers 119. After a good ten minutes we were rescued from the elevator. Jackson ran up to me with a worried look. "Are you ok?" he cried. I nodded, and the boy stared at us, awed. "May I get your numbers?" a voice said. I turned around. A well dressed man was standing in front of us. "I am the director of this hospital, and I just feel terrible that this happened to you," he said, looking at me and the boy. "I would like to compensate for your troubles," he said, handing a sticky note and pen to me. I jotted my number down, and handed the sticky note to the boy. He stared at the number, deep in thought. "Uh...your number," the director said. The boy looked up, and nodded, writing his number down. "AH!" someone cried, from behind me. I spun around, and saw an aged woman run over to the boy. "What're you doing here?" she cried. The boy put his finger to his lips. "C'mon," Jackson said, smacking me lightly on the back. "Right," I said, walking towards my room. He spent the day playing video games with me. When night fell, he started packing up the game controllers. "Jackson," I said. He looked up at me, as he put one controller in a card board bag. "I think I'm in love."

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