"Ohhhh yeah you mentioned that yesterday. You were meeting the family officially, weren't you?" Saito interrupts.

Laughing, I nod. "Yeah, and they're super cool like I told you yesterday. Anyways, Kuroo's phone was going off like crazy when we were clearing the table and stuff so I might've taken a little peek at it when he wasn't in the room." Saito gasps dramatically and not in an ironic way.

"Wooowww, I didn't think you were the type of girl to do that! No judgement of course, I loved snooping on my exes' phones. So much fun," she says nodding fondly.

"I don't really know why I did that, it was on an impulse. But I saw that fucking Kojima had texted him all this shit about coming over and implying that she wanted to fuck. It completely ruined the night and almost made me break it off with Kuroo. Seriously, thanks so much for that yesterday. I was overreacting like a dumbass"

"Oh my god that makes so much sense...That bitch, it's all her fault."

"I know right," I say before recounting yesterday's events to Saito. She patiently listens through the story, gasping at all of the appropriate times. The class passes quickly and I tell Saito that I'll see her for lunch before heading to my next class.

By lunchtime, my cramps have hit hard again. Clutching my stomach with one hand and my lunch in the other, I make my way to Saito. I tell her about my period and she gives me some motrin that will hopefully ease the pain. 

"Oh fucking hell...I forgot to grab a drink," I groan, staring at the pills in my hand. I applaud those who can take pills dry. I am not one of those people. 

"Do you want me to go grab something from the vending machine for you? I don't mind!" Saito asks.

"No, no, it's fine. I've gotta stop in the restroom anyways to make sure I'm not bleeding through so I'll just kill two birds with one stone while I'm up."

I make it to the restroom and sigh in relief when I find everything going well down there. Next stop: vending machines. 

Thankfully, the vending machines are deserted when I arrive. I look over the selection of drinking, biting my nail. Truthfully, everything looks good right now and I can't pin down what I'm craving. Chocolate milk? Banana milk?

"Chocolate is supposed to be good for when you're on your period, right?"  A voice whispers in my ear, making me jump and let out a screech.

Kuroo backs up a step and starts laughing. Fucking rooster.

"You scared the fuck out of me! Jesus!" I say, scowling at him. 

"Sorry, sorry, Saito told me you'd be out here. You weren't when I got here so I decided I'd hide and scare you," he cackles

I huff and face the vending machine again. I realize he's right, I am craving chocolate. And nothing is more important that that chocolate milk right now. I begin to punch in the numbers for it and see Kuroo lean on the vending machine in my periphery. 

"How's your day been?" He asks. "Cramps still bad?"

"Yeah, they just got bad again. I'm going to take some more motrin after I get this chocolate milk."

"That's a good idea. How's everything down--" I see his eyes dart down between my legs and I have to stop him right there. 

"No, no, you don't need to ask about that, weirdo. I'm fine, I get through it every month," I shiver a little at the thought of describing the graphic details of my blood flow to my Kuroo. The worst part is, he would probably find it interesting and informative

Pull Me Back - Kuroo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now