Chapter 14

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I can't contain the smile on my face when I walk into the kitchen. Even though most of what he told me was pretty depressing, the fact that he opened up means the world to me. Not to mention, he doesn't hate me like I thought. In fact, it's the complete opposite.

"What're you smiling about, hun?" My mom asks, sipping coffee at the counter. She's got a night shift tonight. 

"Nothing, I just had a good end to my day," I say, hedging.

"Did someone drop you off? I thought I heard a car in the driveway."

"Yeah, Kuroo did."

"Ohhhhh...I see...Does this have anything to do with the good end of your day?"

I give her a mysterious smile, knowing it will drive her crazy, and head to my room. I'll tell her if anything actually changes between us. To be honest, I'm not really sure how to progress...This. Do we stay friends for a while? I want to date him, of course, but I know he has a lot going on right now and I don't want to take time from him that he could be spending with his brother. Wishing I would've brought this up earlier, I jump onto my bed and put a pillow over my face, groaning into it. 

I lay in my bed for a while, thinking about all that he told me. I feel terrible for him and his family, and my heart aches thinking about what they must be going through. I make a promise to myself to be there for Kuroo, to pay attention to him, and to cheer him up when he's hurting. Eventually, my mother peeks her head in my room and tells me that she's leaving for work and to start on my homework.

My night is filled with cooking, homework, and many, many thoughts. By the time I'm ready to go to bed, I feel physically and mentally exhausted. I get ready for bed and then crawl under my covers. Before I can fall asleep, I grab my phone and send a quick message to Kuroo.

Me: thanks again for today, Kuroo. sleep tight, nerd :)

I set down my phone and pull my covers over me. Right as I'm drifting off, I hear my phone ding. I reach over and grab it, seeing a text from Kuroo.

Kuroo: Nah, thank YOU. Can't wait to see you tomorrow c:

Kuroo: Also I hope you studied hard for chem quiz tomorrow 

Laughing lightly to myself, I send a dislike reaction to his last text and turn my phone back off. I did look at the materials for chem. I wouldn't really call it studying though, seeing as I can't recall a single thing. Oh well, you can't win em all.

The rest of the week passes by quickly. I fail my chemistry quiz on Tuesday, but on the bright side, Kuroo and I are even closer than before. There's no awkwardness between us and I look forward to seeing him everyday. The routine has turned into me walking to the gym everyday with Kuroo and Kenma. I've started to enjoy being around Kenma, too. His reserved personality perfectly offsets Kuroo's outgoing (and loud) personality. Everything he says seems funny to me. To my surprise, he invites Kuroo and me to his house on Saturday to show us a new game that just came out. It's unclear if he actually wanted to invite me because I did see Kuroo nudge him in the ribs with his elbow when Kenma began by only inviting Kuroo. A moment later, he invited me too. It's okay though, I'll take what I can get. 

On Saturday, I throw on a pair of gray yoga pants and a black tank top. Securing my favorite chokers, I survey myself in my mirror. Not very exciting, but it's comfy, so I roll with it. I see a text light up my phone and I pick it up to read it.

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