One Year Later

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"You." I growled. She did not look very different. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with little strands left out. She wore a white shirt with a brown leather jacket. She was holding the same, long metal staff with a new, spear shaped tip. Then I noticed something that all of our captors had. Each of them wore a pin on their clothes with 'EAG'.

Boulder saw it too, and our eyes met, wondering what it meant. Claire looked around, worried.

"Do you guys know each other?" She asked.

I said yes as Melody said no.

"We-" she paused. "Have seen each other around. We used to have the same ally." Naomi's eyes clouded over.

She does miss Kaz, just like me.

"You TRAITOR!" I yelled, willing my newfound power to work. Curse this AWFUL ability restrictor.

She laughed. "Maybe I just picked the winning side. You and your puny government will fall beneath us. We have more power than you would ever imagine."

I jerked free of the black kid's grasp and flew at Naomi. I shifted into a horse again and stomped on her. She opened her mouth to use her power but I smashed a hoof onto it, feeling the crunch of bone beneath me.

I heard a click and saw the girl tapping buttons on an electronic board in her hands. I felt my restrictor tighten and I collapsed.

~Dramatic time skip~

I woke up periodically, only to be fed and then knocked out again. Time lost its meaning. Once, I got to stay up a little longer. I couldn't move because I was binded to a relatively comfortable bed. I saw Boulder on my left and Sophie and Claire on my right. I couldn't see Core, but that didn't mean anything. Right?

Where is Core? Did they kill her? Did she escape? If so, why did she leave us? Did her friends get out?

But my thoughts ended swiftly when I felt a small prick on the back of my hand, and I returned to a drugged sleep.


I groaned, assuming it was time to eat or something.

"Phenomina" The voice whispered urgently.

"What?" I slowly regained my consciousness and noticed it was night. Jackson was standing next to me, undoing my restraints.

"Why," I yawned "Why are you helping me?"

I stretched my unused muscles and I felt weak. Like, ridiculously weak. As if I hadn't done anything in a year.

"You have to save Naomi."

"WHAT?" I whisper screamed.

"A lot has happened in the past year."

"PAST YEAR!?!" I actually screamed and Jackson covered my mouth. I was in a drugged delirium for a year. "Jackson, WHAT happened?" I grabbed him by his shirt and demanded an answer.

He sighed. "I'll tell you, but free you friends."

I woke up Sophie and Claire while Jackson undid Boulder.

"Here, let me undo your restrictors." Jackson said

He released Boulder first, and Boulder promptly punched a rock at him, knocking him out.

"Boulder!" I scolded. "He just freed us!"

"Yeah, and he put us here in the first place."

"Yeah Nia, we have to get out of here." Sophie said.

"I'm not leaving Jackson."

"Why? He literally left us drugged for a year!" Boulder said

"He has information."

"Oh really? Even more important than your friends? More important than me?" He yelled.

I started crying silently. "Nothing is more important than you guys. I left Kaz because I loved you!"

"No, you left because you thought it was safe." He argued.

"You imbecile!" I screamed, ignoring the fact that goons could attack at any moment. "If you didn't want to be with me you could've left!"

"That's what I was going to do!"



"Kaz started a new group, the Infinity Fighters. They are recruiting people to fight, in return for safety. You have the choices, Kaz. You're not pressured into doing anything. You could live as if you didn't have a power, and they would protect you. You can raise families and start businesses. That's why I talked to Angelina THAT'S why I was going to war. So I could sneak away and leave." He stopped. "And take you with me."


"No, I was going to convince you to leave! But Heather died and you got all sulky and didn't respond."



I stopped. I straightened my clothes. I grabbed Jackson and broke the window with a chair.


I left. Claire followed. Boulder stayed. Sophie stayed


Y'all like that plot twist? 👌

The Infinity Fighters ~ Book 2: PhenominaWhere stories live. Discover now