
Cheryl held Aliana and Grayson's hands as she led them into the law firm building. A bunch of people with their children were there.

"Icy." Grayson pointed to the icy glass sculpture near the elevator. "It's pretty right? But we can eat it, baby. It's not edible."

Cheryl called for the elevator and waited patiently for it to come. She kept staring ahead as her daughter and son's curious eyes wandered around. Aliana was excited to go to work with Cheryl today. She always wondered what the redhead does with her days. Cheryl just started work 2 weeks ago since her maternity leave is up so it couldn't be much.

Once the elevator finally came, Cheryl stepped onto it. As it was about to close, a hand stopped it and Cheryl inwardly groaned at the sight of her pain-in-the-ass co-worker, Linda.

The woman didn't say anything to her and stepped into the elevator. Grayson started to pull at Cheryl's work pants so she bent down to pick him up.

"Mommy, do you work on a high floor?" Aliana watched as the numbers kept going higher. "Yeah. Floor 30. See." her mother pointed to the lit-up button she had previously pressed.

"Wow...that's a lot."

"I know." the woman chuckled softly, pulling the small girl into her side and caressing her hair. Linda watched with a sneer.

We all know she's been jealous of Cheryl and what she has. Amazing wife. Stable income. Stable family. And now she has to sit and watch her be an amazing mother? She felt her anger boiling.

The ding that signaled the elevator reached their floor snapped her out of her thoughts. Cheryl let the woman exit out first before safely escorting her kids out. "Do you work with her, mommy?"

"I do, honey," she replied. "Why doesn't she have a kid with her?" the girl then pouted.

"Maybe she doesn't have any, my love." Cheryl opened the door to her personal office. Aliana ran inside the room once she had access to it and Cheryl placed Grayson down so he can run in too.

Cheryl let them get settled down as she went to check over her emails. She chuckled softly upon seeing that her daughter had brought her glittery clipboard and some pencils. The hazel-eyed girl always claimed she wanted to be a lawyer like Cheryl and today her dream was coming true.

Meanwhile, Toni, Hunter, and Leileena were getting ready to hit the field. As mentioned before, when the brunette was off-season for professional soccer, she coaches at her personal gym center. So right now, she was preparing her two younglings for the dirt.

She tied Leileena's little cleats and pulled on her little Topaz Jersey. "You're so cute, my love." she pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Her daughter sent her a cute, innocent, smile and she cooed softly before standing up. Leileena grabbed onto her mother's hand and they walked out of the girl's locker room to wait for Hunter outside of the boy's locker room.

"Ready!" he grinned as he exited the room. He had on his whole uniform and cleats. TOPAZ and the number 4 stitched on his jersey. He had a legit Jersey because he had asked Toni to get one made for him to rep his momma's team. And proudly, Toni did.

"Wow, Hunter, you've dressed the part." the brunette complimented. "Thank you, momma." he smiled. The brunette led them out of the area and outside where the field was.

"Mrs. Topaz!" the group of teenagers smiled upon seeing her. She coached all ages but today was the teenager's coaching day. "Sup, guys." the woman grinned at them. "I'd like you to meet my oldest son, Hunter, and my youngest daughter, Leileena." Toni bounced Leileena slightly.

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