Chapter 67

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2 months later

"Have kids!" they say. "It'll be fun!"...they say. Not for the couple right now. They completely thought they had everything under control for their plane ride for Aliana's birthday/ vacation getaway in their hometown.

But right now, Cheryl had a headache, and Toni was trying to calm a frustrated 11 in a half-month-old, a restless three and a half-year-old, and her wife, who was so tempted to scream at the crying boy beside her.

"Hey, Hunter, baby, here." Toni whisper as she held Aliana's bottles in the other.

Hunter stopped crying and accepted the iPad that was being placed in his lap. Cheryl let out a relaxed sigh and Toni reached over to rub her back comfortably.

"Only 3 hours to go, love," she whispered.

Cheryl only nodded and rested her wife's shoulder.

Aliana slept through the 2 hours of the flight, filling both mothers with relief. She was the fussiest since Hunter calmed down after he received his iPad.

Aliana restlessly squirmed in Toni's arms. The small girl wasn't too excited about sitting in one place for more than an hour.

"Ali," Toni whispered/warned.

"Mama mama." she groaned, reaching for Cheryl.

The redhead picked her head up and gently pulled her daughter out of her wife's lap. Aliana cuddled up to Cheryl and the redhead pulled the blanket over her, gently telling her to take a nap.

When they finally landed, Toni gathered their stuff while Cheryl made sure their kids got off safely.

Aliana's little legs thudding against the floor as she held on tight to her momma's hand. A tired Hunter walked with his head hung low and the iPad in his hand.

It was 2 am in Riverdale, it was way past his bedtime so he wasn't used to being up this late.

"Hunter, bub, look up so you don't trip." Cheryl states.

Hunter looked up to see Toni getting their luggage and bag.

"I'll go get us a rental. Wait here." Toni pecked Cheryl's cheek before quickly making her way over to the booth.

"Mommy, I tired." Hunter pouts.

Cheryl looked down at him, "Alright, baby. We're going to head to grandma's house, kay?"

The small boy nodded tiredly and Aliana wanted to run off towards Toni as the brunette made her way back over to her family.

"Alright, let's go," Toni stated, picking up Hunter and placing him on the rolling suitcase, and picked up Aliana.

"You got one with car seats?" Cheryl asked, helping her wife with their bags.

"Yep. Two." Toni nodded.

Once they made it to the car, Toni buckled Hunter in first since the boy was half asleep.

Aliana was wide awake, so now the couple regretted letting her sleep on the plane.

"How are we gonna get her down?" Toni mumbled to her wife as she watched their daughter kick her feet from where she was buckled in her car seat.

She was staring out the window, babbling nonsense. Any other time they'd coo at how adorable she is but they were apprehensive about how they were gonna get her to sleep through the rest of the night.


The family got to Penelope's house around 3 am. Aliana was having a 'conversation' with Cheryl the whole ride there, Cheryl hoping that it'll tire her out just a little.

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