Chapter 26

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3 weeks later (March 3rd) still sick☹️🤕

Toni sat in the kitchen, studying for the spring assessment she has coming up. The brunette sat at the counter with her books spread out on it.

Her step-mother and father walked in. Her father was dressed in a button-up with slacks and her step-mother was wearing jeans and a nice shirt.

"What's the special occasion?" Toni joked, keeping her eyes on her book.

"We're going somewhere. But we'll be back in like 30 minutes, you're good here?" Marie asked.

"Yeah, I got it, mom." Toni nodded. The woman smiled, kissing her temple before letting Andrew pull her out of the house. Toni watched from the window as the two got into the car, she shook her head before going back to her notes.

They've been ever since they got back from their honeymoon 3 weeks ago. Toni started picking up Marie's behavior more than her father. The woman kept craving pickles with weird combinations of toppings. She complained about being tired, and she's been 'sick' Toni didn't want to assume the obvious, but that's a case of pregnancy.

Toni smiled at the thought of her having a little sister or brother, mostly a little sister, so she could have someone to teach as they got older.

Toni had nothing to do at this point. Cheryl was in New York with her Nana doing spring cleaning so her girlfriend is out. Emily is spending time with her dad, so she's out. Betty is most likely with Veronica so they're also out and Kevin is most likely with Fangs.

She felt alone, but she knew she wasn't but she felt like it. Toni closed her books, stuffing them into her bag and going upstairs to her room.

She throws it on the couch and going over to her Tv and turning it on before sitting on her bed with the PS5 controller. She barely plays being that Cheryl is always over. Not that she is complaining, she loves when Cheryl is over. Toni felt her heartache at the feeling of missing the redhead.

Being that it's the weekend, Cheryl wasn't gonna be back until tomorrow, so she had 24 hours more without her belle.

Her phone vibrated making her pause the game, "Baby!" She said excitedly when her girl's adorable face popped up on her phone.

"Someone's excited to hear from me." The redhead giggled. 

"You don't even know! My parents left me alone for a bit, they're being very secretive so I'm gonna stay out their way. But how is New York? Did I mention that I miss you so much?" Toni rambled.

"Baby! Breath! New York is fun, I love spending time with my Nana. Actually, she's right here." Cheryl said, moving the phone.

Toni's heart started beating faster, she was about to meet her Nana. Even though it's not in person but she was nervous.

"Nana, this is my girlfriend, Toni." Cheryl smiled, handing Nana Rose the phone.

"Hi." Toni chuckled nervously. "Hello, dear. Cheryl won't stop talking about you this whole trip." The older woman chuckled.

Toni chuckled, "I guess I'm very charming." She smirked. "That you are, dear. It's great meeting you, hopefully we can meet in person." She smiled.

"Same here." Toni smiled. What was she even nervous about in the first place? Toni let out a breath when Cheryl's face appears on the screen again.

"You okay?" Cheryl laughed. "You can't just spring that on me like that, baby." Toni chuckled.

"Sorry, not sorry." Cheryl tucked her hair behind her ear. "I really miss you right now. It's so...quiet." Toni mumbled.

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