The truth

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     I don't know why people say to look them in the eye and tell them the truth, Penny thought as she promised Tink she would leave the pirates alone until Peter got back. She could look anywhere including right in the eye and lie to them just fine she muttered as she walked back much less excited, to the war face painted kids. I can also hold a secret til the day I die. Penny thought daringly as she looked back to Tinkerbell, her soft light glowing around her. Unless there was a legitimate threat to anyone, she would have no need to ever spill her secrets. Peter had told her white lies were fine as long as they were protecting someone from something they couldn't handle. Tink and Peter couldn't handle that Penny was a big kid now and she needed to prove herself as a leader.

She couldn't think about how sad Tink would be that she disobeyed her but she needed to do this. With all her might and energy she thought that if she didn't do this right now when her dad was gone then she might never get the courage to try again. I can hold my tongue or lie to your face, no, I'm not a terrible person Penny thought as she neared the group, they rose at the sight of her. She had a gnawing feeling in her gut but she stuck to her plan anyways.

"What happened?" A few lost kids asked stepping towards Penny.

"You need to do as I say and not be afraid... do you trust me?" Penny tried to sound brave but her voice cracked and her eyes faltered. There was only a slight hesitation before the voices started to agree and cheer, they hadn't bothered the pirates in a long while, and tonight was the night they saw the big, ugly, beasts in person.

"I cannot believe you, Penelope Jean Pen!" Peter was mad, but by the red in his cheeks and clenched white fists, Penny knew he was more than mad, he was outraged.

"I just..." there was nothing she could say to get out of this grounding.

"There is no reason to start a war with the pirates Penelope. We have been at peace with them for a while now. Hook and I settled things..." Penny gave Peter a disapproving stare. Tinkerbell had stopped them and locked them up in their treehouses until Peter returned, they were rambunctious and annoyed that their plan was foiled. But Tink didn't give in, she was so upset with Penny, that when the kids finally fell asleep Tinkerbell cried herself to sleep along with them.

"Settled things?" She knew better than to think the pirates were being civil.

"They leave us alone and we leave them alone. It's been working just fine since we have been on the mainland a lot I haven't been able to..." cause as much chaos as usual Peter thought as he chopped up some wood for the fire pit that burned slow from the night before.

"But there will never be real peace." Penny stated throwing some sticks onto the fire, the crackle and rumble of settling logs only added to Penny's need for a fight.

"You really think that going after the pirates is a good idea?"

"Yes," she said instantly unable to believe he thought otherwise. "Tiger Lily told me-"

"Tiger Lily is..." Peter didn't know what to say, Tiger Lily did warn Peter of the pirates plans previously but that was a long time ago. "She doesn't know what's best for you and the other kids, she is only thinking of herself." Which was true then and true now. The old Peter, Penny wanted to say, would have already been attacking them but he had changed and Penny wasn't sure of why.

"War with the pirates Peter, really?" Darla had questioned as they ducked behind a bush to spy on Hook and his crew.

"Keep your voice down" Peter said shushing her, "Hook has horrible eye sight but great ears." Darla looked down to her stomach, they were just visiting Neverland for a bit to have a baby shower that the lost girls organized.

Penny Pan the heir to neverland // Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now