Chapter 16: Talk

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"He just shows up and ruins the girl's practice dad." I vented to my dad about James. 

My father was in one of his over clingy modes, so I decided to use it to my advantage. I wanted to lift weights and it is not safe to lift the amount I wanted to do alone. I was annoyed and the only thing that truly calms me down is lifting weights. My favorite exercise is the bench press.

The bench press or the chest press if you are into bodybuilding is an upper-body weight training exercise in which the trainee presses a weight upwards while lying on a weight training bench. It is healthy to go about 30lbs above your standard weight. Still I tend to feel better with extra weight added on.

"This weighs like 100 pounds more than you." My dad said.

"Then he threatened to rearrange Ky's face. Also he wouldn't leave after Princess told him to."

"Honestly Ty how much is on the bar?"

"Three something." I said as I racked the bar. "Forget about the weight for a second."

"Take a hundred pounds off for me." My dad said as we trained spots.

"I feel like you are not listening to me." I whined.

My dad pushed me off of the bench as he prepared himself to lift it. I wanted to get advice from him, but he is only focused on himself. I mean it may not be a serious issue and just high school drama but to me it is a big deal. I need advice.

"What would mom do?" I asked.

"Your mother?" My dad said as he attempted to move the newly added weight. "Your mother would have kicked your little bully in the balls. Why is this thing still heavy?"

"I thought you said violence wasn't the answer."

"It's not my answer, but it was your mothers. She was feisty." My dad said with a laugh. When he laughed it caused the bar to fall back on his chest as he struggled to push it up.

I feel like dad changes mom's personality whenever he talks about her. One second she is a damsel in distress, and the next second she is going for cheap shots. She goes from being the highlight of his life, to being this overly protective naggy woman. How she loved him more than anything in the world and promised him forever, to giving him an irreversible goodbye.

"Ty, I can't breathe." My dad whined as he gasped for air.

I turned to see my dad struggling to lift the bar off of his chest.

"I thought you missed mom." I joked as I watched my dad struggle.

"Your mom will kill me if I leave you here alone."

With that I lifted the weight off of my dad and racked it.

"Then how come you only talk to me when I mention mom?" I asked.

"Because your mother would have been a better parent for you son. Your mother would be able to listen to your problems and give you all the right answers. Your mother could look at your friend group and tell you who is not good for you and who truly cares about you. Ty, believe me when I say that I am doing my best. I just don't know if I am doing it right."

My dad's speech really hit a nerve. He has been trying too. Here I am just making his life harder with my petty high school drama. He can't help me.

"My advice for you is to talk to your friends. Find out what they are feeling and see if your presence is even needed." My dad offered.

"They told me the same thing about you."

"Aw. You talk about me." My dad said as he got up from the bar and tried to give me a hug.

"No! You are sweaty and gross." I said as I left the home gym.

When I got to my room I just stared at my phone. I have every ones number saved. The odd things I never actually texted or called anyone. I hate talking on the phone. I hate talking in general. Who would I even talk to about how I am feeling?

I don't even know how I am feeling. I am angry that James bullies Ky. I am angry that I can't straight up ask Ky why James is bullying him.

I can text him. I mean we texted once.

Hey, can we talk? I really hope that messages doesn't backfire on me.

No. I have been trying for years. Ky joked. 

I hate this guy sometimes. 

It's about James.

My ex?

You're what?  

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