Chapter 6: The Boxing Coach

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I must remind the world that I hate my father. He argues that he wants the best for me, but for some reason my name was called at the pep rally. Now I am standing in the middle of the gym with fifteen other guys for the in-house boxing tournament.

Let me explain.

Boxing is a dangerous sport. Concussions are quite common. That being said you have to volunteer to be a part of the in-house boxing tournament, which is the most complicated way to say tryouts.

I looked around at the other fifteen guys. Most of them were drooling over the cheerleaders that were dancing around us. I saw Ky and James amongst the lineup.

Wait, why is Ky allowed to be here? It's not that he isn't physically capable but will he be able to hear the bell?

Ky caught me staring at him and nodded his head in James's direction.

It looked as if we were all separated by weight class. Ky is literally the lightest guy here which would put him in the school's lightweight class with James. Then there is the featherweight class, the welterweight class and finally the heavyweight class where I am. Just like my father.

I don't have any proof, but I know my dad has something to do with this.

Now the question is, do I drop out or do I go along with this? It requires a month of practice with these idiots. You know, to be able to put on a good show.

I don't even know the first thing about boxing. I mean I could ask my dad. Besides mom, boxing is the most important thing in his life. Then the house, cars, maybe me.

Anyway, after the assembly we were pulled into a classroom. Each table had two chairs, however there were more than enough seats that no one needed to sit next to me. I made sure to take the seat closest to the door and access aisle, so I could leave whenever this was over.

The room filled up quickly. I thought I was in the clear until I felt something press against my arm. Not only did someone have the audacity to sit next to me, but they have pressed themselves against my arm. I glanced down to see that Ky was the brave soul.

"Ky?" I tried to question him, but I kept forgetting he couldn't hear me. Now I know how my dad feels when I don't answer him. Annoyed.

I noticed that Ky had one hundred percent of his attention on James. Ky was so close to me that I noticed when his heartbeat picked up. Just the sight of James scared him.

"Are you two going to be cuddled up this whole time?" I looked up to see the boxing coach. He was on the older side. His salt and pepper hair tricked me into thinking he was weak. His lack of body mass also threw me for a loop.

"And what if I say yes?" I asked. "What are you going to do, Gramps?"

I swear Ky can hear because he pushed off of me like I had a disease. Gramps slammed a pair of boxing strike pads on the table I was sitting at.

"Your boyfriend shouldn't be here, T-Rex." Gramps said.

"Don't call me that." I said as I rose to my feet. I ignored the boyfriend comment, because being called T-Rex was a greater insult.

I was a good six inches taller than this guy, but he spoke to me without fear as he mocked me. "You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your daddy."

My mind went black. I just remember swinging on this old man. Thankfully he grabbed the strike pad and deflected my punch.

"Tyreek Crews Junior, known for your violent outburst. What are you doing hanging around the special needs?" Gramps mocked.

I looked over at Ky to see if he was offended.

"It's okay, the boy can't hear me." Gramps said, earning him a laugh from the remainder of the guys. "I will be your boxing coach for those of you who win the tournament. I will also help you all find scholarships." Gramps went on and on about the benefits of making the team.

I glanced over at Ky who looked like he was falling asleep. I found it funny because everyone knows Ky is deaf yet they expect him to listen to this lecture. I need to find a way to get this information to him. I wish I had my backpack.

I had to physically shake Ky awake when Gramps finished the lecture. I didn't think there was someone who cared less about things than me, yet I stayed awake while Ky got a free nap.

I want to hang out with this guy. He seems cool.

As we were leaving the classroom I was trying to figure out a way to ask him when I saw the head cheerleader walking towards us. Ky wrapped his arm around her shoulder before giving me a quick wave goodbye.

Why does this feeling I have suck? 

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