Chapter 15: Unwanted

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My house turned into the main hangout spot for our little group. Everyday after school the Powerpuff Girls would accompany Ky and I to practice.

I count Katernina in the Powerpuff Girl count. I would call her Bunny, but she argues that the fourth Powerpuff Girl was Bliss. I caved in and just call her Princess. I know Princess wasn't a Powerpuff Girl and she is a bad guy.

Bite me.

Anyway, my point is I feel like I've gotten close to these ladies. So, hanging out at cheer practice wasn't that bad.

I was sitting in the grass watching the girl's practice. Ky on the other hand was laying in the grass using my leg as a pillow. I should be mad but the weather was so nice nothing could ruin this day.

"Hey baby, want to sit on top of the king?"

What kind of broken pick up line is that?

James and his goons were currently walking up the football field. Of course he was the one that yelled it.

I nudged Ky awake. I directed his attention to James approaching his sister and the cheerleading team. Ky just shrugged off James' presence.

"Hey beautiful, you should accompany the best of the best to the dance." James said to Katerina.

"Who are you?" Katerina asked.

"I am King James."

I caught the uncomfortable glances between Aurbrey, Brooke and Erin. I tried to get up but Ky motioned me to stay seated.

"I wanted to give you the opportunity to be escorted to the dance by yours truly." James offered.

Katerina just turned around and faced the cheer squad. "Alright ladies don't forget to stretch in between jumps."

James grabbed Katerina by her shoulder and forced her to turn around. That was enough for Ky to jump to his feet. He then began to point at his throat.

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked him.

There is this universal hand gesture for the phrase "fuck you", that even I understand. Ky just did that to me. Ky turned around and started running towards his sister.

Well I better get up and make myself useful. I have to occasionally be this guy's voice. "Hey!" I screamed.

It was obvious that James and his goons were afraid of me. Still SMS. Ky and I are clearly outnumbered.

"Let me give it to you straight James, I will never be interested in you. I don't even want to give you the tiniest bit of hope that I one day will be interested in you. I personally can't believe that you had the audacity to approach me. I am actually insulted that you think you had a chance. So please, take this opportunity to escort yourself out of my practice." Katerina said to James.

Maybe we need to protect James from Katerina because that rejection hurt my feelings.

I wish I knew what was going through James's mind as he glared at Ky. Ky had his arm securely around Katerina.

"This guy is always around you. Let's see if you will still be interested in him after I rearrange his face at the tournament." James threatened.

Whoa this is news. Does James actually think Ky is dating Katerina? They are siblings. Also I swore Ky was gay. Is James that stupid?

Ky stood his ground though. One thing is for sure, there is a history between them. 

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