"It was (Y/n). After we got out from her hardening... she suddenly started coughing out blood until she started puking it out." Moblit started as the four silently listened with slightly wide eye/s.

"But then, lots of blood came out from her eyes, nose, and ears and she let out a blood curdling scream. She was in so much pain... her screams, her screams sounded like she's getting... stabbed a bunch of times... then she passed out. " Moblit explained as his voice slightly quiver.

Moblit then looked at Hange as his body trembled, "I-I didn't know what to do so I just... hugged her to let her know I was- I was there for her."

Hange widened their eye and glanced at (Y/n) as the blood in her clothes evaporated away.

"What..? Was it her other hardening drawback? Since, she only had a day to practice..." Hange said and moved (Y/n) hair on the side of her face.

Levi's eyes were wide and looked back down at (Y/n) as she silently slept.

"Hange-san!!" Mikasa called as she and the others used their gear to get on top of the roof Hange was in.

Eren was carrying Armin on his back as Connie was carrying Mina behind his, Sasha was supporting him just in case Mina slipped off.

"Hange-san! Let's go find (Y/n)-" Mikasa stopped her words when she saw (Y/n) laying on the roof unconscious.

"(Y/n)!!!" Mikasa exclaimed and kneeled down next to her. She gently lifted her up and placed her on her lap, she placed her ear on (Y/n) chest and sighed in relief.

Eren kneeled down next to Mikasa and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, giving it a squeeze, "You're okay, Armin's okay... Thank goodness..."

After a few minutes of silent sobs and sighs, Levi stood and spoke up.

"We're going back up the wall and search for survivors. Let's go."

"Yes, sir."


I slowly gained consciousness and started to feel my surroundings as I kept my eyes closed for a moment.

That sleep... It felt nice. It was quiet, there were no dreams or nightmares or any disturbance whatsoever.

Just peacefulness.

But I feel different... like a new different.

I slowly opened my eyes and let out a groan.

Bad idea.

I winced at the pain on my throat and placed a hand on it, alarming the others. I shakily sat up and tried to ease the pain by massaging it.

"Ow..." I muttered out, my voice was raspy and slightly deep.

"Hey, don't talk just yet. Here." I heard Jean say and passed me an open leather water bottle.

I nodded thanks to him and grabbed it, slowly taking a sip and drink water.

I sighed and wiped my lips after drinking, I looked up at them and the trio were already on my side with the others behind them.

"Oh, um... hi?" I slowly said, slightly furrowing my brows at their stares.

Eren was the first one to hug me, making me slightly tense up and raise my arm up. Then Mikasa followed the hug, then Armin, wrapping his arms around us.

"(N/n)..." I heard Eren mutter in relief.

"I'm glad you're awake now..." Mikasa whispered as I felt Armin nod.

"I feel... like I missed something important." I slowly said again and looked at them, slowly hugging back.

I heard a chuckle, making me look up at Hange in confusion.

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