Infinite Tsukuyomi

Start from the beginning

~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~
This statue was a pain in the ass. We were all almost out of chakra and were exhausted. The statue started attacking us before standing and making the earth shake. The statue fell backwards making the ground shake again.

"What's all this shaking?" The Raikage asked.

"Over at 4 o'clock! Meteorites!" A cloud shinobi pointed. We looked up and there were 6 huge meteors falling towards us.

"There are so many!" Raikage said.

"Brace for impact!" Darui warned before we all knelt and grabbed hold of the ground to stabilize ourselves for the attack.

"What's happening over there?! That's not normal!" Choji asked. The meteors hit the ground making us yell and try and balance ourselves. Then a bright light shown from the moon and everything started going dark. 'I hope Darui's safe.' was my last thought before I was completely taken by darkness.

~~~~~TIME SKIPPPP~~~~~
I slowly blinked my eyes open and was greeted with sunlight. Wait sunlight? I gasped and sat up and looked around. Everyone was breaking out of cocoons and helping others. I looked around before spotting a familiar blonde and took off in their direction.

"Temari!" I yelled. As soon as she turned I tackled her in a hug and squeezed tightly.

"K-Kimmi?!" She stuttered while trying to rebalance herself. I let go before looking her up and down before spinning her around.

"No major injuries and your not missing any limbs. Good." I said and hugged her again. She chuckled before hugging me back. I let go before seeing someone behind her and I smirked. "Well I going to go find your brothers. Have fun with lover boy." I smirked before running off not leaving her time to reply. I found Gaara and glopped him in a hug. Before we fell his sand caught us and helped support us. "I'm so glad your okay. I swear you three give me grey hairs." I said while making sure he wasn't severely injured.

"It's good to see your still here." Gaara said and smiled slightly. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"And why wouldn't I be here? I'm not dying until I get Nara nieces and nephews." I said and crossed my arms with my nose in the air. Gaara shook his head while chuckling.

"You and wanting Nara nieces and nephews." He said.

"You can't blame me. I'm supposed to be excited to have nieces and nephews. Means I can spoil them rotten and leave them for their parents to deal with." I smirked. I looked around before spotting my next victim. "Well I'm going to go give Kankuro a heart attack and embarrass him. See ya!" I say and run off to the brunette. I tackle him in a hug and check him for injuries.

"Kimmi?!" He asked shocked. After making sure he was alright I brought him into a hug again before hitting him over the head. "Ow!"

"That's for scaring me to death. I swear I'm going to have grey hairs before I'm thirty." I said and rub my temples.

"Don't worry. You already look like a grandma." He chuckled. I glared at him while cracking my knuckles.

"What was that?" I growled. He laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"N-Nothing. Don't you have a blonde to see?" He changed the subject.

"I've already seen Temari. I left her with Shikamaru after I tackled her in a hug and checked her for major injuries. Gaara too." I said while sighing. Kankuro rolled his eyes.

"Not that blonde." He said. I looked at him confused before I got what he was saying.

"Oh! I'll see you later, Kankuro!" I said while starting to run away.

"If you give me nieces and nephews at least name one after me!" Kankuro yelled. I could tell he was smirking. I turned and ran backwards while flipping him off.

"Fuck you, Kankuro! Go get laid!" I yelled back at him, getting laughs from the people around us before I turned back around and took off to where I sensed Darui's chakra. I came over a hill and seen him with Shee, Omoi, Karui, Samui and her brother Atsui. I smiled and I waved at him. Karui seen me and smirked before pointing at me and the group turned. My smile grew as I watched Darui smile. He waved at his friends before walking over to me and bringing me into a hug.

"So you kept your promise and survived." He said while we embraced. I was very aware of the fact his friends were staring at us with smirks but I didn't care. I survive a war and so did Darui.

"Of course I survived. I'm not dying yet. And I'm glad to see you survived to." I said and smiled up at him. He smiled back before we just stared at each other.

"I know you don't want a man by your side or for someone to protect you......but I'd like to be that man that stays by your side and supports you." He said. I smiled as he continued. "I want to be by your side. I want to see you smile and laugh. I want to be able to hold you when you cry and have rough days. I want to be with you. I know we've only known each other for a few months...but would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" Darui asks. I smile at him and hug him tighter.

"Yes." I nodded. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." I grinned at him. We smiled at each other before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my closer. If that was possible. I wrapped my hands around his neck before we both leaned in and our lips met in a sweet kiss. There were wolf whistles going off around us and I just raised one of my hands and flipped them off, gaining laughs from everyone. Me and Darui pulled apart and grinned at each other.

"Kimmi!" I turned at my name and seen Temari, Gaara and Kankuro smirking at me. "Remember to name the kids after us!" Temari yelled. I blushed a deep red before flipping them off.

"Shikamaru!" I yelled at the smirking pineapple head that was standing beside Temari. "Get your woman before I murder her ass and you can't have kids!" I yell and smirk as Temari and Shikamaru blush. Darui chuckles as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into him before we walk over to his friends and chat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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