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We couldn't tell which of us were transformed Zetzu so we drew circles on the ground for each of us and whoever stepped into anyone else's was considered a Zetzu.

"Not being able to tell which ones are the transformations is..." Choza trailed off.

"Do not step out of the circle! Anyone who does will be considered an enemy transformation!" Shikamaru warned.

"Choza, we're getting nowhere with this." Dan said from inside the 4 Flame Formation.

"Yes, I know. That's why we have to wait."

"Wait? For what?" Dan asked.

" long do we have to stay like this? If that huge one comes back, won't we be in trouble?" Choji asked.

"At least until Naruto gets here. Until then, do not step inside anyone else's circle. If you do, even you will be considered an enemy." Shikamaru warned.

"We just have to verify what we know about each other!" Ino said.

"That won't work either. Several of our guys fell for that. Sometimes, a lucky guess ends up being correct." Shikamaru explained.

"This is dull....." Darui said. My circle was positioned away from everyone else's by a giant rock.

"Sorry. Please be patient a bit longer." Shikamaru said.

"Yeah, I understand." Kitsuchi said. It was silent for a few minutes and I started staring at the passing clouds, unaware of the danger that lurked until......

"KIMMI! Behind you!" Ino yelled. I quickly turned around and grabbed my sword to come face to face with 2 sand shinobi. They charged at me and I blocked the first one while the other tried to slash at me. I could feel my wound reopening with every twist and block I made. I stabbed the first one through the chest before round house kicking the other but he blocked and punched my in the gut causing me to slid back and kneel in pain.

"Kimmi!" My friends yelled in worry. I grit my teeth before getting in a ready position.

"Go. To. Hell." I yelled and jumped towards the last one. We had parried back and forth before I finally got the winning hit in and he fell to the floor, transforming back into a Zetzu like the other one. I put my sword away before kneeling on the ground and breathing heavily. I unzipped my vest and pulled my shirt up to reveal my bleeding stomach. "Why me?" I mumbled.

"Kimmi!" Ino yelled again. I looked up to see her about to step out of her circle but I raised my hand at her.

"No! Don't step out of your circle! I don't give a damn if I'm bleeding out or not! You leave that circle and you're considered the enemy!" I yelled at her, causing her to stay in her circle. "I can wait until Naruto arrives and gets rid of the transformations!" I said. It was silent for a while. I don't know how long it had been but I was loosing blood faster than I thought. Then the man of the hour showed up.

"Finally got here!" Naruto grinned.

"Naruto!" Everyone grinned.

"Well, I'm here and I'll find every one of 'em! So let's take down the transformed white one, everybody!" Naruto said. He started walking around before stopping and looking at a Leaf shinobi and pointing at him.

"First, that guy over there! The rest of you around me are genuine." Naruto said.

"Those of you with Naruto's seal of approval can leave your circle. Consider anyone else who jumps out the enemy! Let's go!" Shikamaru said. Ino quickly ran over to me and started healing me while Naruto kept pointing out who was a transformed Zetzu and everyone who was cleared killed them.

Sand Clouds (Naruto-DaruiLoveStory)Where stories live. Discover now