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Name: Kimmi Yamamoto
(Kimmi meaning righteous-Yamamoto meaning base of the mountain)

Name: Kimmi Yamamoto(Kimmi meaning righteous-Yamamoto meaning base of the mountain)

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Sleeveless fishnet shirt with a dark grey cropped long-sleeve over it. She wears fishnet leggings and a ankle-length skirt with waist-high slits in both sides for easy movement. Kunai/Shuriken pouch is on her right thigh and she wears tan ninja sandals. Light blue hair that's in a high bun. Her Sunagakure headband is around her forehead but her bangs cover it. She has twin katanas strapped to her back.

She's 24 during Shippuden. Darui is 26. (She's 5 years older than Temari.)

Special Jounin/Kazekage bodyguard.

She's quiet most of the time but isn't afraid to speak up with a smart-ass comment. She's stubborn and won't let bullies pick on others. She's really skilled and doesn't back down from a challenge. She's not afraid to show others who she is and what she can do. Super intelligent too.

Chakra Natures:
Earth, Wind, Lightning. Mostly uses Earth and Lightning since Temari uses Wind. She's also a sensory ninja and sends chakra pulses through the ground to detect things. Also she's extremely talented at info gathering and stealth, she's often sent out on missions to collect important info.

Kimmi's parents threw her out on the street for her to fend for herself when she was 4.They thought she was a mistake and worthless. She took care of herself for 10 years and became a ninja before finding and befriending Gaara and his siblings when they were 6-9 (she was 14.). She grew up with the Sand Siblings since then and has stayed by their side. They think of her as the parent since she's taken care of them. She didn't take the Chunin Exams with them since she was already Chunin but during the 3rd exam she helped in the attack on the 'Kazekage's' orders. She teases Temari about her little crush on the Nara boy. She believes she can do everything herself and doesn't need a man to do it for her. (You go girl!)

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