I sunk my head down, ready to be reprimanded like a child.

"Took your spare key off the side this morning, assumed you'd be too spineless to show up" The venom in her voice, coursed my veins shutting down my nervous system the more her fangs sunk into me. My sister was always the mean girl, she never cared for empathy. She toyed with hearts and exposed weakness. Evil the epitome of evil.

"What ever you are planning in the inflicted brain of yours won't work darling sister, you need professional help, therapy is what you need" Beatrice screeched, throwing said book at me, my album of Draco.

Keep face. What your doing is ok, its normal.

You know when you leave a pan of water on the stove at the highest heat, it simmers steadily but within minutes it's boiling spluttering scolding liquids over the surfaces near. That's me, I am that water and I'm about to leap out the pan.

Fumbling to my feet, I stand tall and enraged. Time to set the hierarchy.

"How the fuck would you know what I need? You kicked me to the curb the same as everyone else, you don't know me anymore" Seething, teeth gritted, knuckles blanching white as I held them tight in a ball.

"Oh here comes the sob story, you have it well rehearsed" She smirks, slow clapping.

"Not a fucking story I lived it, not fucking rehearsed I felt it all you cunt"

"Your the cunt, sucking up all the attention for an accident" Oh so that's the problem, the spot light shifted from miss perfect, to another and she didn't like that. Awe diddum.

Try being the abomination, the once beautiful girl forever scarred forever bound to walk the earth alone. That's what they said about me.

'Such a shame, she was gorgeous'

'She had so much potential'

They spoke like I couldn't hear them, like I'd died. I wish I had.

So be it if that's my fate to be bound to my past, I'll embrace every second of it but, not before I bring this wretched world and the vile that fills it down with me into the lava filled planes.

"Your face was burnt get the fuck over yourself" How could she say it like that, causually.
She reached towards me from over the sofa, snatching at my scarf. I would never expose myself to her.

"Don't touch me" I screamed, striving to the kitchen making the much needed distance between us. Keeping my back to her, as I layed my palms flat on the granite surface.

"He doesn't deserve this you know? Malfoy. He is married, he made a mistake it wasn't his fault he never meant to hurt .." I could hear her getting closer, as he pitch teetered on remorseful.

"Fuck you" I panted,

"Your fucking mental" Well, thirty seconds of sympathy is good I guess.

"I've seen your room, your sick wall of photos he was unaware of. Your obsessed, but why, yes it was an accident but he hurt you, yet in your demented brain you perceived his actions after as love" Closer she is coming closer.

"He doesn't love you" Six feet.

"Not even mother could look at you after" Five feet.

"Your branded for life, broken" Four feet.

My eyes shoot up to see the knife block infront of me, the steel silver handles glimmering with purpose.

"No one will want you, your pathetic. Hiding in your home, behind that rag. You think people don't know?" Three feet. Closing in the gap between us.

The Watcher; Draco Malfoy 18+✅Where stories live. Discover now