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Jin meticulously arranged a nest of plush pillows and layers of blankets close to the crackling fireplace, creating a cozy haven for the group's gathering.

As they settled in for their third night on the trip, the atmosphere was warm and convivial, filled with the soft glow of firelight.

From the stairs, Jin caught sight of Jimin, clad in his comfortable pajamas, descending to join the group.

Meanwhile, Hoseok and Yoongi were in the kitchen, concocting drinks and preparing disposable party cups for the evening's festivities.

Namjoon lounged in the living room, multitasking with a bag of chips in hand, alternating between snacking and attending to work-related matters on his phone.

Once everyone had gathered on the blankets, Taehyung and Jungkook already among them, an empty bottle positioned in their midst along with several bottles of potent alcohol.

Namjoon took charge, outlining the rules of their game with practiced ease.

"We take turns spinning the bottle," Namjoon explained, his voice carrying over the crackle of the fire.

"Whoever it points at gets to choose between truth or dare. The person who spun the bottle then issues the challenge or poses the truth question. If unable to comply, you take a drink. We each have five truths and five dares, making this game ten rounds."

The group nodded in understanding, though their anticipation was palpable.

"So, first up to spin the bottle will be Taehyung," Namjoon announced, passing the honor to him.

Taehyung took the bottle in hand, giving it a decisive flick as they all watched with bated breath, eager to see where it would land.

"Jin," Taehyung declared as the bottle came to a stop, its neck pointing directly at him.

"Truth or dare?" Taehyung inquired, a mischievous glint in his eye as everyone leaned in, intrigued by Jin's response.

"Truth," Jin answered, his expression a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"Alright," Taehyung began, leaning back against the pillows.

"what is your funniest sexual experience ever?" The question hung in the air, eliciting a chorus of laughter and eager anticipation from the group as they awaited Jin's response.

The group erupted into fits of laughter as Jin recounted his unforgettable, albeit comically terrifying, sexual misadventure.

With tears of mirth streaming down their cheeks, they struggled to catch their breath amid the hilarity of Jin's tale.

"So there I was," Jin continued, his voice interspersed with chuckles, "stripped down and waiting as instructed, only for the guy to return brandishing a whip, a cock ring—though I didn't know it at the time—handcuffs, rope, and to top it all off, a freaking pocket knife!"

The absurdity of the situation elicited incredulous gasps and further laughter from his friends, who hung onto every word of Jin's story.

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