Luanne watched the other begrudgingly get up. The words she was about to say were going to cause panic and she winked to Danny with a chuckle as she said them.

"Check out is in 10 minutes so I would get packing if I were you." Luanne stated loudly watching everyone's eyes go wide. Mickey was full of fear as she took off to her room dragging Jake behind her who rolled his eyes at her intensity. Sam and Emmie shrugged as neither of them had much to pack. Josh on the other hand was frantic throwing all his belongings in his bag like a mad man stuffing them inside with his feet.

Standing in front of Penny, Josh felt cold again. One more time in the cruiser. Jake and Danny were tossing the boys bags into the SUV while Mickey talked on the phone with her agent. The blondes Long Island accent grew thicker when speaking to the voice on the other end making him chuckle. She was a powerhouse that one. Their original plan was to leave from here but they all decided to ride to Comstock with the girls and say goodbye from there. It was odd when Josh thought about it. It was only a three hour drive to Comstock and that three extra hours felt like years worth of time to him. 

"I told the girls to ride with them. Wanted one last karaoke jam session just me and Josh." Luanne smiled placing the flowers he gave her yesterday in the center console. She cracked open the Diet Coke can making his lips curl upward. "Diet Coke really? That shit is horrible for you." Josh repeated what he told her almost a month ago when her laughter flowed through the Texas air. 

"So Mick, I am assuming you have aux again?" Danny asked from beside Sam and Emmie leaning against their car. 

"Just cause you all are leaving doesn't change car rules Wagner. Don't be a moron." Mickey climbed into the car leaving them standing there. 

"Yeah come on Wagner. Don't be a moron." Sam remarked earning Danny rolling his eyes as Emmie cackled climbing in the back seat. 

"Comstock or bust!" Jake cried out before hopping in the driver seat. Immediately Josh and Luanne could hear 5 Seconds of Summer blasting from the SUV. 

"Comstock or bust baby." Josh spoke getting the passenger seat as Luanne took a last picture of their hotel. 

They had been on the road for an hour with things going surprisingly well. Both of them giggled down the road as Josh recorded with the wind whipping in their faces. Luanne picked her happiest playlist to keep them avoiding any mention of what was about to happen. Ignorance was bliss in this moment. 

"If I play Cosmic Love you better put on your best performance Luanne Faye." Josh called over the music. 

"Joshua Michael it would be my pleasure to put on an incredible performance for you!" Luanne cried out as the song began. 

Josh was taken back to the moment when she had first sang the song for him and felt his heart beat quicken. As he had a month ago, he held the camera lens pointed toward her. Knowing the dimple was popping out on the side he couldn't see was overwhelming. 

"You are beautiful." Josh whispered in to the camera as he had a month ago, meaning it just as much as he had then. 

Mickey gazed around at the downturned expressions in the car. As much as she didn't want to admit it she was upset. The boys had become a part of her now. As 'It's Too Late' by Carole King came on she heard Em yell to not skip it. This furthered the heart break they were all experiencing. Not a soul spoke over the music listening carefully until Mickey had to break the pattern. 

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now