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Day Twenty-Nine

Today was it. The last full day together. They all knew it was here. You could feel the tension amongst them at breakfast. They were gathered in a diner down the street from the hotel. It was the quietest they had ever been. Even Josh would barely look up from his plate, pushing the food around not daring to eat. Mickey and Jake glanced at each other every few minutes always missing the other staring. Emmeline felt Sam's hand on her thigh though she couldn't bring herself to smile. 

Luanne and Danny sat beside one another looking about the group. Danny could tell Luanne was miserable too, she just had a way of hiding it. He couldn't deny his own emotions of losing them all too. Luanne had become his next closest friends after the boys. Turning his attention to her, Luanne raised her brows before nodding towards the others. 

"So Luanne, what were you thinking?" Danny asked loudly to get the attention of the others. 

"Wagner, I am glad you asked. I want us to live. I want us to drink, smoke, dance, watch movies, and remember the fun we had. Spending our last full day together depressed is not what any of us want to look back on. We had one beautiful fucking month. And it would be a shame if we let it go to waste," Luanne placed her hand over Josh's on the table gently smiling toward him, "plus I have a surprise for later." 

"Peach vodka kind of drinking?" Mickey spoke up first winking toward the girl whose lips curled upward. "Whatever the queen wants she gets." Luanne replied. 

"Everyone pile into the SUV and we will go to the store then." Jake spouted as the others started getting up. 

"I got dibs on window. I'm not sitting in a car with you all and not being able to smoke." Sam called over his shoulder as Emmie lightly elbowed him. "I wanted to have the window jackass." Em muttered when Sam kissed the top of her head grabbing her hand. 

"Actually I got to stay behind. I have to work on something. You guys go ahead, don't take too long though." Luanne said quickly pressing her lips to Josh before heading out the door. 

"She gives us that whole speech and then leaves?" Mickey questioned looking amongst the group. 

"Isn't she something?" Josh had that lopsided grin watching her walk away. She turned back waving to him before continuing on her way leaving him with rosy cheeks climbing in the car. 

Luanne sat hunched over her laptop the duration they had been gone at the store. She was determined to have this done before they got back. It was all coming together and she knew Josh would love it as well as the others. All Luanne wanted to do was show that she cared, that she was watching all of them trying to remember them forever. When the knock came at the door she opened it to reveal the lot of them and Josh and Jake laying on the floor with their feet in the air. 

"What the hell happened here honey?" Luanne stepped out of the door helping Josh to his feet while the others walked past her inside. "What happened is that he is a fucking idiot and fell on top of me trying to find his room card." Jake mumbled as Luanne helped pull him up as well. 

Jake thanked Luanne stepping through the door frame while Josh picked his card off the ground. Luanne heard him giggling to himself as he walked in the room behind her. 

"Alright we got far too much alcohol, possibly enough food, and plenty of cigarettes. Anything we forgot?" Danny passed the cigarettes to Luanne along with a few scratch off tickets that made her eyes light up with excitement. 

"Pass me the bottle Wagner tomorrow is going to be a long day." Mickey was quick to take the vodka from Danny's outstretched hand before drinking straight from the bottle. Emmie took the bottle next chugging probably more than she should have before settling on the bed beside Sam. Mickey passed the bottle to Jake, shrugging his shoulders he chugged as well. 

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