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Day Thirteen

Luanne had to been the first one up. Josh's snores were quiet as his head laid softly on her chest. She ran her fingers through his curls watching his chest rise and fall. She needed to talk to Emmie. Her friend had been in love before, granted the guy was horrible. It was a year ago and Em had been over it but she at least knew what it felt like. Carefully she moved out from underneath her little sunshine, leaving him to sleep peacefully as he had been. Standing up she looked down to see his Pink Floyd shirt once again hanging against her thighs. Smiling to herself she made her way to the door closing it silently on a mission to find Emmie. 

Emmie had woken up before Sam. He laid on his side facing her still sleeping as she watched him. His long hair laid sprawled on the pillow leaving his face open for her to gaze at. After her last relationship she never imagined that she would find anyone to make her heart clench with just words. Sam was different, he made her laugh harder than anyone she ever met besides Luanne. He always looked at her like she was an angel walking and never made her feel out of place. She was terrified when thinking about meeting the random guys Luanne met but she would have driven to Yellowstone if she knew Sam was one of those guys. Hearing her phone buzz she saw a text from Luanne asking her to come outside. 

"Are you okay? What did he do?" Emmie asked closing the door behind her stepping into the hall. 

"How did you know?" Luanne asked sitting against the wall before Emmie slid down beside her. "Know what?" The blonde asked. 

"That you were falling in love? What did it feel like?" 

"It feels exactly how it sounds. Falling. Not in a bad way, though it's a little scary. You feel like you can't breathe sometimes by how happy you are with them. Every time they look at you, your chest warms and feels like the sun is directing all it's energy toward you. Just the sound of their voice itches the back of your brain like your favorite song. Everything with them just begins to make sense." Emmie watched as Luanne pulled her knees to her chest resting her chin atop them. 

"You feel it with Sam?" Luanne asked her friend who looked down at the carpeted floor with a sad smile. 

"I think I could. Now is just a really bad time. You feel it with Josh?" 

"I think I could. Now is just a really bad time. I am about to start my dream, finally. This is everything I have waited for. Is it so bad to put work before what could potentially be your soulmate?" Luanne's voice cracked as she asked her friend for an answer she didn't know if she was ready for. 

"Give it the month. Don't overthink like I do. Enjoy the time you get to spend with him. He is a good guy and wants nothing more than to spend the time he has with you to the fullest." Emmie replied watching her friend stand up feeling her kiss the top of her head. 

"Thank you. I love you." Luanne called behind her nearly skipping back to her room making the blonde laugh before opening her door preparing to wake up Sammy. 

Josh woke up to see Luanne not beside him. For a moment panic had set in and had thought she had left. Once his eyes adjusted he saw her stuff scattered still across the floor relaxing back onto the bed. The sound of the door opening furthered his relaxation as his little sunshine jumped on top of him rattling the bed. Her hair scattered across his face tickling his nose as she leaned back flipping it out of her face. 

"Good morning Joshua Michael." She mumbled leaning forward to kiss him. 

"Good morning to you Luanne Faye. You gonna let me drive today?" His voice still low from waking up cracked as she pulled away. 

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