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Day Twenty-Six

Luanne laid soaking in the last bit of sun beside Josh. Mickey and Emmeline had already begun drinking as the rest of the boys put together the fire for the night. Glancing toward Josh, his dimples were out glowing in the sunshine staring back at Luanne. 

"Favorite album?" Josh asked as Luanne laid her head atop his chest. 

"Easy, Dear Wormwood by the Oh Hellos or Demon Days by the Gorillaz." Luanne stated happily listening to him chuckle at her quick answer. 

"Lovers! You better start drinking! We have 3 days to finish this shit!" Mickey shouted at the pair shaking a seltzer can at them. 

Luanne got up making her way towards Mickey and Emmie laughing at their dancing to One Direction. Josh laid still propped up on his elbows watching her. The way Luanne walked was like the ground was there for her and no one else, quiet and confident. Her now tanned arms pulled her mass of hair above her head into a ponytail letting him see the tattoo that he loved on the back of her neck. It was a simple sun outline, it was the most fitting tattoo he had ever seen. 

The fire was brighter tonight as Jake had gotten new wood while him and Mickey were out yesterday. The speaker played Luanne's collection of songs happily entertaining the group. Danny and Sam were playing a drinking game with Emmeline consisting of quarters and far too confusing rules for the others. Josh and Jake were talking about a new song while Mickey and Luanne danced around with not a care in the world. 

"You think we will get to do this a lot while we are working?" Mickey asked the girl spinning about in front of her. 

"Yes ma'am, because you will be living with Em and I. You really thought I was going to let you sleep at a hotel? Come on darlin, you know me better than that by now." Luanne continued to move about until Mickey grabbed her into a hug holding tight. 

Everyone turned their heads seeing the girls hugging and a teary eyed Mickey. Jake watched extra carefully wondering what had happened while Josh simply grinned. Luanne had told the boy about her plan a few days ago. He knew the blonde would never see it coming. 

"Thank you, for always making me feel like I belong. Never change Luanne." Mickey mumbled into the girl's neck. "Never thank me. You're family now." Luanne whispered back as Mick pulled away, running toward Jake to tell him the news. 

Luanne had taken a break from dancing about to sit with Danny's guitar that he left in one of the chairs. The others were watching the finale of Emmie's drinking game hollering through the night sky. Strumming quietly she watched Josh sit beside her with his dimpled grin. 

"You going to play me a song Luanne Faye?" Luanne could hear the slight slur in his words and couldn't help but laugh before nodding. As she began to play louder the group migrated from the picnic table to the chairs surrounding the fire. 

Oh, the wind whistles down
The cold dark street tonight
And the people, they were dancing to the music vibe
And the boys chase the girls with the curls in their hair
While the shy tormented youth sit way over there
And the songs, they get louder each one better than before

Luanne sang along watching Josh's drunken smile grow. Emmie looked up from Sam's lap toward her. They both used to listen to the song growing up screaming it down the open highway. 

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go, where you gonna go
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora