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Day Fifteen Pt.1 

Josh woke up first this time. He still hadn't told her about the record deal. He meant to while they laid up talking last night but instead told her about the possibility of them staying in Texas. He lied to her.  Turning onto his side he watched her rest. In the harboring of his own anxiety he got to enjoy one of the most generous and loving people to ever walk along the earth. Her hair was still in the braid only this time it was less put together from her restless sleeping. Luanne was quite funny to watch sleep, she talked like a madwoman. This morning he listened to her discussing nonsense until one name left her mouth. 

"Josh." Luanne mumbled in her unconscious state. 

Holy shit she was dreaming about him. Josh concentrated harder trying to decipher her exact words when her eyes flew open. With her sudden movement Josh flew back nearly falling from the bed. 

"Were you watching me sleep? That's low Joshua." She breathed out before rolling in toward him landing on his chest. 

"Good morning Luanne, and no I was admiring. Two very different things." Josh wasn't lying when he said he was admiring. It was hard not to admire her. 

"Very cheeky this morning. When is checkout?" Luanne asked sending his eyes to the clock on the wall. Shit, they had 5 minutes. 

"Happens to be in 5 minutes, move with haste darling!" Josh shouted throwing the covers off of them and getting ready. 

Luanne couldn't place what was different about him this morning. He was very adamant about her driving, didn't even put up a fight. As they left from the hotel she stole a glance at him again watching his fingers rapidly tap against his thighs. He still sang as they drove so that consoled her at least a little bit.  

"Josh turn this one up! I love Fleet Foxes!" Luanne cried out making a smile tug on his lips. 

Can I believe you?
Can I believe you?
Can I ever know your mind?
Am I handing you mine?
Do we both confide?

I see it, eat through every word I sow
See what you need to, do you doubt it's yours?
Now I'm learning the ropes never get this close
I've been wounded before
Hasn't let me go

Josh's smile began to fade as she sang along. She had no idea how this song reflected them. Luanne just loved one of his favorite bands and it made his chest lurch as they continued down the highway. 

It never got less strange
Showing anyone just a bare face
If I don't, well, nothing will change
Staying under my weather all day

Can I believe you when you say I'm good?
I didn't need to when I wished you would
No, it isn't enough
Never held that much
Now another way up
Been a row too rough

Luanne took another look in his direction, he was recording as she sang and she couldn't help the grin spreading across her face. Any doubts she had about his attitude this morning had all but faded. As she continued to sing she took in the scenery surrounding them. It was as if the mountains were hugging the two of them, concealing them from the real world. 

It never got less strange
Showing anyone just a bare face
But if I don't, well, nothing will change
Staying under my weather all day

Lately I'm wondering too
What type of desire I can break
When I'm one way with them, one with you
What half is it of me rearranged?

Can I believe you?
Can I believe you?
I want to need you
I want to need you

Josh joined her by the end trying to hold back his shaky breath. When the GPS alerted that they were almost there he only felt worse. He was going to have to get everyone to stay quiet until he told her. As she turned Penny into the hotel where the others were staying he rushed in to get a room so he would hopefully see the others first. He met Sam in the lobby who gave him a hug. 

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя