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Day Eighteen

They were around an hour and a half from the Texas border. Josh woke before everyone to plot once again. He spent all morning on Luanne's little computer to research the spot he was looking for. He knew everyone would be on board because, well, it's Luanne. You couldn't not be. When he snuck back into their shared tent he found her in another of his shirts laying peacefully on her side. Her hair was messily braided laying across her chest, her mascara from the day before settled under her eyes, and her breathing calm and quiet. She was extraordinary. 

"Luanne. Luanne Faye. Wake up love." Josh whispered to the girl who now stirred. 

"Josh what the fuck." Luanne grumbled pushing herself onto her elbows.

"Good morning to you too Luanne Faye. You are the one who wanted to wake up early and hike. I'm just doing as I was told." He couldn't help the smile growing across his face as she rubbed her tired eyes with a small grin. 

"Good morning Joshua Michael. You know there's a lake not far from here? We could go swimming instead?" Luanne's eyes lit up when she spoke about about swimming and that was enough to make him say yes. 

Wading in the water of the lake the two enjoyed the break from the others. Josh wanted to stay there as long as time permitted based off how happy she looked. It was like watching a child experience their first kiss every single time Luanne saw a body of water. She relished in it. Luanne could feel Josh's stare from afar. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means and in fact she felt safer with him watching her. 

"So, what do you plan to do when you're rich and famous? You gonna throw caution to the wind as well as your morals and buy a yacht?" Luanne laid on her back floating idly in the water. 

"I never thought about what I would do with the money actually. Never thought we would get the record deal in the first place. I hoped we would but didn't want to be let down. What are you going to do?" Josh floated beside as he had nearly 3 weeks ago. 

"Buy a house, preferably in Montana. I'd like to be close to Yellowstone. I think I've loved the area long enough to live there." Luanne had floated aimlessly toward Josh as he now straightened planting his feet on the sandy bottom of the lake. 

Josh pulled lightly on her arm causing her to instinctively wrap her legs around his torso. He placed his hands cautiously on her thighs holding her in place. Not daring to look directly at her Josh tried to resume conversation. 

"Can see you with a cat. Something about Luanne screams having a cat as company in a big house." Josh said in a crackled whisper as her arms reached around his neck. 

"Maybe one day when you're tired of the road you could be the cat's roommate." Luanne said closing the space between them. 

As much as Josh wanted to think about her offer for him to live with her he couldn't. The two were intertwined in the water enjoying the summer sun. When Luanne's hand went to his hair everything seemed to stand still as Josh's grip on her thighs tightened. The two who had only met 18 days ago kissed like lovers having learned each other in entirety. They were only interrupted when a splash behind them covered them both in water. 

Sam had been holding tight to Emmie's hand as they emerged from the water seeing Luanne and Josh both red in the face. Sam had heard his brother waking Luanne earlier and knew exactly where they'd be. Emmie adored the water as much as Luanne and took little to no convincing. It was just a plus that the two happened to be making out when they jumped in the water. 

"Good morning you two." Emmie now hung onto Sam's back as he swam toward Josh. 

Danny followed suit of the other two jumping in the water with Jake behind him. Mickey stood at the shore line nowhere near the dock. Her hair pulled up high with a scowl on her face when Jake called out to her. 

Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora